of course josef and I repeat nothing against you but it's hard for me listen someone saying that princeton is a winning tactic when I see one of your match:
(15719332) in the same game you can see that 3-2 is not given you any bonus, lakers scored with almost 50% so at the end I know some teams in bundesliga one of them was Lakers, I will see your tactis against the others than we can drop us a line each other. Personally I've closed my experience with princeton with this match:
(6248329), when I say that 3-2 or in general having the "correct" tactic don't give a bonus I speak about games like this:
(13117674) and in any case in general m2m is the easier tactic to choice cause you can't be wrong, instead when you chose to defend 2-3 you're risking to waste a victory if the other team plays r&g that's why I hope the correct tactic will be more important for the future ;)
1990-2022 Stalinorgel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV-Xppl6h8Et