thanks, i tried to make it realistic by having only one special ability for a player. We could also try to only give those special abilities to about 10% of players or less.Yes, it could be difficult to implement this because some traits may overlap (like experience and basketball IQ). But it seems for me that player experience is a "catch all" skill for all those intangibles because as mentioned, it already takes into account decision-making and clutch ability. I was thinking that it would be better imo, if player experience was instead broken down into something like clutch ability and basketball IQ while also determining it as a special ability for a select few players.
@Zyzla: No, I actually play MMA Tycoon :) I got the idea there. In that game, along with skills like defensive grappling and clinchwork, there were also hidden attributes like having a "big heart" and "intelligence/ability to adjust".