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130277.11 in reply to 130277.10
Date: 2/4/2010 2:59:16 PM
New York Chunks
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I think you sort of described what I was trying to get at, but you made it more confusing...

Oh, and to extend my comment on players younger than 18-years-old, since this game sort of models itself on the NBA where it can, I think the draft should have also include some more polished older players, like players coming out college. In the two rounds of the 2009 NBA draft, I believe at least 20% of the picks were 22-years old. Only 2 players were actually 19 years old, (Rubio, and Jru Holiday from UCLA). I think there even like 8 players at least 24 years old, too. But since most players that go in the NBA draft are still actually seniors from college, that puts them usually at 22 years old, and a few younger seniors and some juniors make for a bunch of 20 and 21-year-olds, too. I guess by using 18 and 19 as the draft age, perhaps it’s a nod to the more European leagues where there are levels and developmental teams more similar to how soccer is run, but…

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
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130277.12 in reply to 130277.11
Date: 2/4/2010 3:02:18 PM
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it's a nod to the training system who works very explosiv, and will even look more silly if you get complete players - but hey training is fun ;)

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130277.13 in reply to 130277.12
Date: 2/4/2010 3:26:23 PM
New York Chunks
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I get you with that. It's not that I think too many NBA rookies are at their potential, but I see your point, thanks. I just think it's a trade-off for adding some degree of realism. The system we have is like what could happen if there was no college basketball level and no developmental leagues, and all those players had to merge with the NBA. But I guess if we really wanted reality, the players would have contracts that expired and players became free agents, too... and I'm pretty sure that BB isn't heading in that direction... careful mucking with the system too much, it's not really broken.

But anyway, I hope the stuff on training ages and speeds and hidden attributes and all that get thought through and considered.

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
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130277.14 in reply to 130277.10
Date: 2/4/2010 4:04:50 PM
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early-bloomer and late-bloomer lane would look like that

You mean that speed of training would be on late-bloomers just faster? Means that you could train these players faster on late age than if they were youth? Or they would get better by themselves like your previous idea about skill boosting? I dont uderstand what do you mean.

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130277.16 in reply to 130277.14
Date: 2/4/2010 4:30:04 PM
New York Chunks
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I think what he’s getting is that the training peak for each player may vary. Currently, every player is training at his maximum (100%) rate from the time he is draft at 18/19 years old until he’s 21, when his training rate starts to decline. The rate of decline is modified by his potential, which is currently a known factor (Starter, Star, All Star, Hall of Famer, etc.), even if we don’t know exactly what the rates are.

What I think is being suggested, and forgive me if I’m putting too much of my own suggestion in this, is that there are two significant changes being suggested. First, the age when a player is training at his maximum (100%) rate should vary among different players. So, an “early bloomer” could be like the current players who start out training at 100% and then decline starting at some older age, while a “late bloomer” might not train at 100% of his best training rate right away, but he will reach this rate when he’s a little older, like maybe when he is 20 or 22, etc., and then eventually his training rate will also decline, as 21-year-olds currently do.

Second, the rate at which the training rate should vary for each player. This is actually how it works now, as each player’s Potential is essentially a label for the modifier of each player’s “training rate decay”, and players with higher Potential basically have a slower training rate decline than players with lower Potential. But if the we need to adjust for “late bloomers” and varying ages at which players are considered their most trainable, each player will also need to have a time table for when the maximum training rate is achieved and how fast the training rates increase before hitting the maximum, how long the maximum training rate is sustained, and how fast the training rates will decrease from the maximum.

If I had some graph paper and I wasn’t so lazy, I could just draw a simple diagram that would probably be clearer. But I don’t the suggestion is really all that complicated. But then again, as I stated a couple of posts ago, I am in the Center of the Universe.

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
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130277.18 in reply to 130277.17
Date: 2/4/2010 5:10:12 PM
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i said the training is silly atm, but it is also a real funny part to make player in 2-3 years 2-3 times that good then before - you will never see that in reality but it is more fun then drafting a complete player who maybe get 1-2 pops each season(even if you could make the tu with more action when you give those pops every player, because normally you donÄt train just 3 guys^^)

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130277.19 in reply to 130277.15
Date: 2/4/2010 5:54:23 PM
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I see that my skill blooms idea was rejected so I thought about Career lines. It's the same training just faster or slower. lets say that 100% is current speed. but player would have some periods, when his skills would grow faster or slower from (50% to 200%). If old player has green 170-200 % period, it means that he will grow 1.7 - 2 times faster than current speed, so probably it would be faster than young player in current speed right?

Hmm... would be interesting to have here players which can grow slower but for almost whole career. I dont think that is should be like that they have to have same training rate on the age 22-25 like normal players on 18-21.

In fact they could have it like 24 old players but from 18 to 28, every year is the same. And it would not be complicated for anyone to understand. Of course, you can waste your space by training them on 1 post, but more efficient would be to train more of them 2 post.. And after 28 they will be soon dead anyway.

The reason why Im suggesting something different than this: the fact that it could be efficient only for NT teams (farming) - current slower training and potential cap is a rescue for trainers of NT players, which are not forced by NT managers to sale players in late age if they dont want to train them and doesnt want to look in eyes of comunity like selfish centre of Universe.... so is a good thing that the training cap is here relatively early

Other way - normally you have to develop player for sale or for your team, but you never can afford to waste with anyone his whole career, unless there would be like 5 of them (I suggest) (or lately the whole team - team training).

Anyway it should not be hidden atribute, because it would be insane to find someone like that on Transfer market.
