Finally, we've had a nice win with the belgium NT. usually, in the 4th quarter, we end up losing the game and giving away the game. but this time, we managed to pull away (it was 96-97 at a certain point in the 4th Q...)
i'm happy to say that since we are using 2 new SF's ( Ottevaere and Lussu, who are both a major upgrade defensifly) that our game seems to be better than before.
now, the upcomming games will be used to give a max experience to the young guy's, who should be the starters in a few seasons. we probably will end up losing games (and some games that we should be able to win, we will end up losing) however, the goal is to give the young guy's: ( Thys, Deseure, Lussu, Mees, Otto, Fleeton, ...) a boost in experience, so that in 2 or 3 seasons, we will have caught up with the other NT's, since the current lvl of experience on our NT players is (on average) almost 2 lvl's lower that foreign NT players... (and XP in NT games plays a big role, especially in close games near the end of the game, where, this season, we ended up losing all close games...)
but i'm happy to say that today, most youngsters preformed well