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SF in a 2-3 zone

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186720.10 in reply to 186720.1
Date: 6/6/2011 3:42:56 PM
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i play it often with my PF on SF(OD 11/ID 18) but also with with my regular SF's(ID 10 OD 14/12), and it works both ... But i think it loose value through the Rebounding of my backup PF(just 5 or 6) where i sometimes had the feeling that the one of my PF is usefull but overpowered so it haven't to be a superior skill in my eyes.

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186720.11 in reply to 186720.10
Date: 6/7/2011 5:49:26 AM
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i play it often with my PF on SF(OD 11/ID 18) but also with with my regular SF's(ID 10 OD 14/12), and it works both ... But i think it loose value through the Rebounding of my backup PF(just 5 or 6) where i sometimes had the feeling that the one of my PF is usefull but overpowered so it haven't to be a superior skill in my eyes.

Sorry, but I did my best to understand your post about the difference between your PF playing on SF position and Regular SF. This is VERY interesting for me, but I could not get the idea. My english is not perfect, can you, please, explain again with simple phrases ?

Am I correct that you are not satisfied with your PF (OD 11\ID 18) on SF position ? Do you see difference in average reboundings of the same player on SF and PF positions (hopefully with same atack tactics) ? - Any problems with defence ?

Thank you in advance for the answer.

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186720.12 in reply to 186720.11
Date: 6/7/2011 7:11:52 AM
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defense runs quite solid even better then with my regular SF(but you had to consider that he have 14/10 in comparision to 11/18 so it isn't a fair matchup), rebounding is in my eyes a bit less then on the PF/C position, and not so much better then with my regular sf who had just 10.
And i am satisfied with the Pf on this spot(at least with my old roster, where i had three quality bigs).

I am not so satisfied with my (regular) backup SF in this tactic, because he had just 5 in rebounding which kills the rebounding advantage you get through this tactic.

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186720.13 in reply to 186720.12
Date: 6/7/2011 1:34:36 PM
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