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187491.10 in reply to 187491.9
Date: 6/17/2011 2:14:04 PM
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I must be in the most awesome D.V, because we have 9 managers who actively log in, and of those more than half are scheduling scrimmages, and even 4 of us have posted on the league forums (three regularly).

Lucky me! And it's good, because I'm focused on arena building and training guys, so it's not so boring.

Our series forum is pretty desolate. There are some guys that log in semi regularly, though, so it's not quite as bad as it could be (this is where I'd have flashbacks to botbashing in VI in Hattrick if I could remember that far back).

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187491.12 in reply to 187491.10
Date: 6/17/2011 7:58:26 PM
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When I was in div V, I was the only active manager. Lucky for me though I promoted that season.

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187491.13 in reply to 187491.12
Date: 6/17/2011 10:44:01 PM
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pretty much exactly what I'm doing this season. At the beginning I barely beat the other division's #1, but now that I aquired 2 15K players and a 20K player, the finals will be easy

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187491.14 in reply to 187491.11
Date: 6/24/2011 9:55:16 AM
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Don't hesitate to send one message to teams who are active on the game to lure them on the forums. An active forum lead to a better game.

I did the same thing in this league has 6 active teams and i sent messaged to every one of a bit of response with 3 teams joining.....
and yes an active forum definatly leads to a better game...

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187491.15 in reply to 187491.13
Date: 6/24/2011 4:45:37 PM
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Perhaps your roster is unnessecarily good for D.V. You may be paying more than you have too to succeed. I'm currious as to what your weekly net income is? because I still think you could win without even having Kumar on your team. the extra 20K a week would be nice.

I know he is assurance to gaurantee you to promote, and I'm all about that, there nothing worse then being stuck in D.V. But even if by some small chance you happen to lose the finals, you would probably still promote through bot cleanup with a undefeated record.

From: Panic
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187491.16 in reply to 187491.15
Date: 6/24/2011 5:24:00 PM
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And also, most D5 leagues 1-48(?) are filled first, so having more than two active managers is pretty easy if you're in the right league.

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187491.17 in reply to 187491.15
Date: 6/24/2011 6:20:53 PM
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The thing is that he is not my assurance that I am going to promote, and he never was. I know following the purchase of the 1st 15K player i would promote almost automatically, but I'm getting players so that I don't have to compete with multiple owners for a good player before the playoffs or at the beginning of season 17 to be able to be a competitor in DIV. Also I am making much more. Also he was a good fit for my team, and he might also fetch a good profit before the playoffs after improving his GS.

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187491.18 in reply to 187491.17
Date: 6/24/2011 10:22:25 PM
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Your team's salary is roughly 7k more than your average attendance. How are you making money?

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187491.19 in reply to 187491.18
Date: 6/25/2011 4:25:33 PM
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TV contract and merchandising. I make 35K and I lowered bleachers too much and will be making 4K more after my next upgrade is complete.

Also currently I have $300 more in attendance that merchandizing but I'm adding a backup/starting SF to replace the one I sold.