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SG shooting in Look Inside

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203114.10 in reply to 203114.5
Date: 11/22/2011 7:52:47 PM
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And why you put on the lineup a guy with no DR/IS, GS6 and play LI?

Now that is a great question... He was playing another 4-1 team who isn't a bum. Big mistake.

From: tom3714

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203114.12 in reply to 203114.11
Date: 11/22/2011 8:51:46 PM
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But when something happens to my team that never happens to anyone else...I am going to report it. And it happens a lot.

well well well ....
For example have a quick look on French leagues, any of them it doesn't really matter, and you'll see such thing happening ... And since it happens in French leagues, I'm pretty sure it happens in any leagues from any countries (it seems it's happening in Japan ^^)... LI failure is not something that never happens (with that kind of boxscore you showed), it is something that happens ....

Now you can still report :)

Last edited by tom3714 at 11/22/2011 8:52:51 PM

This Post:
203114.14 in reply to 203114.13
Date: 11/22/2011 9:37:32 PM
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Ok...Here you go...PG/SG shoot 10-32.....the SG shot 4-17(your guy shoots 6-25)...0-6 from 3 on my level 19 OD....The reason to...He was down all game. The team started to shift from the inside to the outside.
(36144495) Here is another game...PG shoots 9-23 and the C 1-9. Same, down all game.
SF taking 20 shots in LI...
all these are a little different...but some good examples

Last edited by Yellow cake at 11/23/2011 1:22:13 AM

From: Arsjitekt

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203114.17 in reply to 203114.1
Date: 11/23/2011 7:47:13 AM
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It's not only about shooting, it'also getting the ball at the right shooter, and if the guards can't do that, they'll shoot themselfs, no matter how small their chance is.

From: Kukoc

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203114.19 in reply to 203114.18
Date: 11/23/2011 2:19:04 PM
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I think you are overreacting. This is certainly not a bug. I don't even understand what you are complaining about. The opponent had decent defence. It was not like your inside men were extreamly good, shooting 21, 23, 33 and 0%. Your starting SF was the lucky shot hitter this game. Playing your SG and PG 48 minutes did not help the cause. PG atleast had enough passing to dish the ball. A bit unlucky that your SG took so many shots, but with his bad passing and your other spots performing not much better than he himself, his exp told him to rather shoot than pass.
