As long as there are on-line games, there will be users looking to cheat or take short cuts. It's like saying wouldn't it be nice if society was completely free of crime? It's never going to happen, it's just human nature. But I think they have set up a good system to report and ban obvious cheaters and that's as much as I can ask for.
But this isn't what I was commenting on, I was commenting that Wolph was accusing the game engine of singling out his team specificially, I think it was his attendence he was complaining about but I could be wrong. If I thought that the game engine/mods was specifically singling out me and my team to put me at a disadvantage , I'd quit tomorrow as I'm sure most people would. But he remains here which only makes me think that he was simply looking to bitch and gain attention.
Either way, if you read any Wolph posts it's almost certainly a complaint. I don't ever remember him giving praise to a game that he visits every single day. I just hope he's not this negative/distrusting in real life or he would be one depressing dude to be be around.
Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 2/16/2012 6:14:47 PM