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BB Poll 1

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214625.10 in reply to 214625.9
Date: 4/23/2012 6:33:06 AM
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Weird, one of my best friends in college had a three legged dog. Lost his leg when he got stuck in the birth canal, and the vet pulled on it to get the pup out. :( To add insult to injury the vet thought he was dead and was about to dispose of him before he came too. Scrappy little bugger!

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214625.11 in reply to 214625.10
Date: 4/23/2012 12:06:53 PM
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Weird, one of my best friends in college had a three legged dog. Lost his leg when he got stuck in the birth canal, and the vet pulled on it to get the pup out. To add insult to injury the vet thought he was dead and was about to dispose of him before he came too. Scrappy little bugger!

Yeah, it might be a low-potential dog but sometimes that's good enough! ;)

My inlaws got this one specifically because my mother in law had to have one of her legs amputated, so when they heard about this dog it seemed like it was an ideal fit.