Because people are stupid, they'll spend their season ticket money, not hold any back for later, go bankrupt, and whine about not getting enough money a week to get by.
Well, maybe, but what kind of argument is that? It's not the duty of that "new feature" to care about what the manager does with it. It's about giving us the tools, the responsibilty what you do with it is still up to the manager.
The more i think about this idea, the more i like it. Let's say a season ticket will cost 150$, the money from each season ticket holder you'll get right after the off season processing. With this money the problems of first game away will be nearly solved, because their won't be 2 weeks without an income.
Of course i'm aware of the problem, that we don't need more money in this game. Maybe we can reduce the amount of sold tickets each home game a little bit, based on your number of season ticket holders. The more season ticket holders you have, the less Tickets you sell. Just a little number so it will balance with the money you get in the first week. And obviously it would make a little sense, that you sell less tickets, if you have more season ticket holders.