Again I'm sorry for how I reacted, and I didn't want to be disrespectful towards the Romenian community.
first, it is spelled Romanian.
second, Romenian implies Roma community which i am very much sure you are aware of you in your country and the stigma that ti carries.
third, you are asked kindly to get out of this thread. seriously. you are causing so much bad will that nothing can objectively support you and your staff's actions.
nothing you say can bring credibility to your alleged intention to not instigate whatever just took place.
i would say something about fair play and grace in victory, but i'm quite sure your actions will be adequately appreciated by your community when you tally your achievements.
pentru restul;
cine vrea explicatii asupra nuantei si a conotatiei a ce a scris asta aici sa-mi scrie pe privat. mi se pare deplorabil sa vedem astfel de comportament in jocul BB. pe bune. mai bine cu forumuri abandonate decat cu dialog de balta.
urasc chestia asta unde de ai nostri pretind ca cei din afara au ceva cu noi, dar in astfel de momente imi crapa obrazul sa vad ca se incita la dialog intr-o maniera in care pur si simplu nu ii pot apara pe straini. ma jur ca daca nu se mai scria nimic dupa primul post am fi fost cu totii mai castigati.
Astfel, va rog sa nu mai continuati acest dialog fiindca nu e constructiv. daca ei nu pot arata stapanire de sine si bun simt macar noi sa dam dovada de asa ceva si ca suntem peste pseudo sentimentul asta de umilitate.