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Season 46!

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From: Rexapex

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299961.10 in reply to 299961.9
Date: 6/19/2019 9:35:57 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Here's the tips I've got.
There’s 4 priorities to manage

1 Win often. It’ll make your fans want to give you money(they’ll come to games)

a. Manage your Enthusiasm and Game Shape. Have a long term plan and use the games you can’t win productively.
b. TV games, Rival games, road games that will be followed by a home game, in that order are most important.

2 Building

a. You’ll need the profits from a balanced 12000 seat arena to get to D3 and probably a 15000 seat arena to stay
b. Spending half your income to build is a good start.
c. Leave the more advanced buildings for later.

3 Training

a. Training is slow. Prepare yourself.
b. Get your trainees 48+ minutes
c. For young trainees, focus on 2 players that have the about same needs, using single position training and 1v1
d. For 20yo-26yo starters or potential starters, up to 5 players training 2 position training is ok.
e. Schedule a scrimmage each week to get training minutes and game shape minutes for your bench players.
f. Be patient with the market but get an Advanced trainer. Expect to have them 20-30 weeks and the salary to go up
$500ish a week.
g.Use the games you cant win to train big guys out side or guards inside.

4 Players

a. Atrocious is very very bad. Like very very very bad. Inept is a huge step up from there. Respectable is a good step
up from Inept. Its better to have a balanced player with few flaws than a very flawed player thats Tremendous at 2
things and Atrocious at 2 things. Its also cheaper.
b. Wins Above Replacement. If you can get the same wins with a 6k salary that you can with a 16k salary, save the
c. In general, no starter will play to his full potential with more than 2x salary or DMI of your lowest starter because
the opponent with adjust to focus on him. Try to keep your team balanced.
d. Game Shape and Stamina are more important than you think. Aim to have your starter and backup have at least 10
stamina combined when you’re not in training mode.

From: Booba

This Post:
299961.11 in reply to 299961.10
Date: 6/19/2019 9:54:15 PM
McKinley Marauders
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks a lot for the advice. It was way more info than I was expecting to get lol. I didn't pay enough attention to stamina when buying players but will deffinetley do so moving forward.

From: Goat

This Post:
299961.12 in reply to 299961.10
Date: 6/21/2019 10:35:37 AM
Snow Blizzards
Overall Posts Rated:
All very good advice right there!

From: Rexapex
This Post:
299961.13 in reply to 299961.1
Date: 7/10/2019 11:18:09 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Great game Dups. I really wanted that one but I'd rather lose a close game than play a bot.

From: Goat

This Post:
299961.14 in reply to 299961.13
Date: 7/11/2019 4:54:38 PM
Snow Blizzards
Overall Posts Rated:
I was watching that game very closely. Close one!

This Post:
299961.16 in reply to 299961.15
Date: 7/28/2019 2:38:00 PM
McKinley Marauders
Overall Posts Rated:
So who's going to win the great 8?

This Post:
299961.18 in reply to 299961.17
Date: 7/29/2019 8:11:53 AM
Snow Blizzards
Overall Posts Rated:
That’s a good question. Any of the top 3 could pull it off.

From: Domain

To: Goat
This Post:
299961.19 in reply to 299961.18
Date: 8/16/2019 3:10:31 PM
LA Fappers
Overall Posts Rated:
Congrats on the promotion!

From: Goat

This Post:
299961.20 in reply to 299961.19
Date: 8/16/2019 10:55:19 PM
Snow Blizzards
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks man! I've been training the young bucks for the last 3 seasons to see if we could get back. You, sir, are about to make your way up as well! I'll be following this group this season to see how it's progressing. Good luck! If you need anything, just holler!
