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elastic effect

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316210.10 in reply to 316210.1
Date: 9/15/2022 12:26:57 AM
Tampines Fusion
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I've seen people call elastic effect as the "rubber band effect". It's like pulling a rubber band. If you pull hard on one end, the other end will spring to it when you let go. The further you pull one end, the tighter the rubber band will be and harder to pull, but the other end will spring faster.

So just like that metaphor, if 2 outside defense and 16 driving, because the levels are so far, driving training slows down and outside defense will be faster if you compare to a player who's skills are same (like 9 driving 9 outside defense).

Anyway answering this question has made me think of the joke where Brazilians and Portuguese always pull on doors which say "push" xD

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316210.11 in reply to 316210.9
Date: 9/15/2022 11:38:31 PM
Emma BC
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Emma BC II
no problem, glad you helped me

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316210.12 in reply to 316210.10
Date: 9/15/2022 11:48:38 PM
Emma BC
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Emma BC II
That's interesting, it's great to have such a mechanism in training. But in this case would I have to have all perimeter skills high for the effect to work?
About the joke, If there is no knowledge of English we will always pull it!!
This is because "push" is similar to the Portuguese term "puxar" (Similar words with the same sound) which means "to bring to you".

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316210.13 in reply to 316210.12
Date: 9/16/2022 7:03:38 AM
Tampines Fusion
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It depends on what skill you want to pull. Like driving can pull outside defense and passing. So you only need to train driving really high if you want faster outside defense and passing training.

This post has some examples which you can refer to: (295510.1)

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316210.15 in reply to 316210.14
Date: 9/22/2022 5:53:16 AM
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316210.17 in reply to 316210.6
Date: 9/23/2022 3:04:21 PM
Freccia Azzurra
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Perhaps you can find someone uns the spanish community to eliminate the language problem … i. e. your u21-coach.

To have most benefit of the elastic effect you should train i. e. Outer Defense almost to the desired skill than Switch to Passing.

I would suggest Portuguese community instead of Spanish

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
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316210.18 in reply to 316210.17
Date: 9/23/2022 4:27:55 PM
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Little Computer People
Perhaps you can find someone uns the spanish community to eliminate the language problem … i. e. your u21-coach.

To have most benefit of the elastic effect you should train i. e. Outer Defense almost to the desired skill than Switch to Passing.

I would suggest Portuguese community instead of Spanish


Yes 🙄

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
This Post:
316210.19 in reply to 316210.18
Date: 9/25/2022 7:46:09 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Hahahaha, don't be annoyed. Looks like forums have become like Facebook, no one reads all the posts xD

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316210.20 in reply to 316210.19
Date: 1/7/2023 9:26:32 AM
Pro A
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Mardi Gras Team
Hi everyone

By any chance, has someone listed all the elastic effects in training ? I guess some are well known but not sure i have seen a thorough assessment...

Thanks in advance

