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Best Way to start?

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319537.10 in reply to 319537.1
Date: 06/26/2023 09:29:52
Tampines Fusion
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What I did was put all my money into the arena. Shave my team to just enough players to have decent game shape. You aren't affected by the salary floor for the first 24 weeks, so use that to your advantage by having a skeleton crew. I managed to max out my arena within 2 and a half seasons. When you hit your 24th week, you can invest in a few very high salary 33 year olds to spend up the salary floor. Usually those that have more than 100k salary go for really cheap, and their high salary will net you a decent amount of jersey sales.

Some people might argue that training prospects and selling them would earn you money, but in reality - you're spending a few thousand to buy those 18 year olds. You're spending a few thousand more to hire a coach. All that to train 6 players in 1 on 1 forwards, then sell them off for... Less than 100k? Let's face it, everyone is training their prospects in 1 on 1 forwards too, and when they switch to monorole training, they have to sell off half of the prosects. Players with nothing but high DR/HA and decent JS/IS don't fetch a good price coz there's an oversupply of them.

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319537.11 in reply to 319537.10
Date: 06/26/2023 12:07:05
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Little Computer People
Can‘t imagine something more boring than sign for a team and wait half a year (28 weeks) to start training with another long period of doing almost nothing than training 1on1 forwards.

So less boring and not that much frustrating is an other way!

I agree, the arena will be finished a little bit later and yes, you might have to sell some of the 6 players when you are switching to one position training but you will learn about game tactics, how training works, use elastic effect and you will develop at least 3 players which can be supporting pillars of the teams or good subs.

That is what I strongly recommend.

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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319537.13 in reply to 319537.11
Date: 06/26/2023 15:34:20
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Personally I started train players from my start, you do not need to sell them to make money after few seasons, you can own them for whole carieer, like I want..
Arena can be done also, and I agree that you can learn a lot by train.. At the end, it is all on you, you are manager of your team, so do what you f want to do to be suceed!

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319537.14 in reply to 319537.13
Date: 06/26/2023 16:32:43
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Little Computer People
Yes, I agree.

You may have missed
- that I did. not agree to the economical optimal and definetly no fun way which was described here earlier,
- my first post in this thread,
- that I am homegrown with my main team,
- that I am training the third generation of U21-players with my utopian-team which was launched in season 50 and my arena is finished for about 8 seasons now.

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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319537.15 in reply to 319537.11
Date: 06/26/2023 20:06:02
Tampines Fusion
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I kinda agree that it's really boring. Sadly it's the most financially efficient way. I've guided a few new players from my country previously and now that their 24 weeks are up, they can actually compete much better than those who progress through the training route. I've personally gone through both routes - joining in season 3 with my first account, I actually had 1 player being in the NT right off the bat which saw me prioritize my funds for in training. After having to sell off my second 200k NT player because I couldn't maintain their salaries, that kinda convinced me to go the financial route when I came back to the game a couple of years after leaving it.

I also find this the better way because my country only has two human divisions so if you don't go this way, managers will be drowning in a 500k salary floor if they don't do what I did. Previously when teams could go bot, it was a vicious cycle - 4-5 teams would go bot, a number of unsuspecting human teams get promoted and suffer the same date as those who caused them to promote prematurely, then go bot and drag in a new crop of managers into the same loop. It was like those horror stories where an entity hunts for victims to take their place to pass on and their victims have to keep up the cycle to pass on xD Of course, it's not so bad anymore now that teams can no longer go bot after bankruptcy.

That said, in countries with larger divisions you might still be able to survive with a less financially efficient playstyle because there's less urgency to earn money. But still, it depends on whether you want to play a very boring way for 24 weeks before not looking back, or you want to undergo a few seasons of slightly less boring training before ending up with 2 decent players whom you could have bought off the market after your first 24 weeks.

Also come on, who are we kidding - you don't learn more about tactics by training 6 players in 1 on 1 than having a skeleton crew. In fact it's the opposite - you can freely switch your tactics around because you don't need to worry about training minutes or positions played.

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319537.16 in reply to 319537.6
Date: 06/27/2023 02:08:19
Valley Boys
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Frosted Abomasnows
If your team is new, the salary floor does not apply to you for a number of weeks. I would suggest to take advantage of it and go under the salary floor and try to get as much money as you can.

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319537.18 in reply to 319537.1
Date: 07/09/2023 19:25:56
Johns Creek Wave
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Holly Springs Haggis
I wouldn't do what you already did. Buy a bunch of players. But since that is done, don't buy any more, You can compete in your division. If you get promoted, you will get crushed. So it's more about laying the groundwork for the long run.

Don't put any money into scouting. Even if you are able to identify a really good player, there's always a chance he starts out with low TSP. Unless a player is HOF or ATG, they won't sell for much.

As other players said, put your money into the arena. It takes a while to build, but without it you can't make enough money to sustain your team. Aim for 20000 between bleachers and lower tier. Courtside seats max at 500 and luxury boxes at 50.

Decide how you want to train. Either big men or guards. Stick with it. Add old vets to fill in the holes, but watch the salary. You still want to prioritize the arena.

Once the next season rolls around, start looking for 18 year old rookies. Stick to All Star or Perennial All Star players. They can be bought for cheap and trained up to a pretty decent level. You want to avoid guys with terrible Stamina and FT. If you are training guards, you want OD to be Average or above. I also think there is utility in players that look out of position. A 6'1" center can be trained into a PG. Or a 7'0" PG can be turned into a Center.

Just enjoy the season and don't get wrapped up in the score. You want to be building for 2-3 seasons down the road.

From: Rasho

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319537.19 in reply to 319537.1
Date: 07/28/2023 12:12:19
Prva Liga BiH
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Whatever you decide just don't buy top potential players for training. My advice to you is not to do that.
If you buy high potential drafters and decide to train them and save money to buy top players when you finish training of those drafters, you need to know that in 2027 you will have a problem because you WILL BE PUNISHED for training players for years by losing games because of your team's poor stamina in relation to opponents who do not train players, but can do stamina training.

My advice to you is that it's not worth losing your temper because too many things on this game are designed to make us leave the game and not to stay.

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319537.20 in reply to 319537.19
Date: 07/28/2023 12:54:04
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Little Computer People
Please delete the last sentence of your post … you should not negatively influence others because of your own dissatisfaction.

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)