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Singapore - I.1 > Season 62

Season 62

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From: Nicyeo

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320210.10 in reply to 320210.9
Date: 8/28/2023 6:48:25 AM
Changi Muscle Ball
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Thanks Lion

This Post:
320210.11 in reply to 320210.10
Date: 9/1/2023 4:48:22 AM
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After training updated my team no good game shapes compared with Godfather… :(
Saturday game no chance to win that team :(

This Post:
320210.12 in reply to 320210.10
Date: 9/1/2023 4:48:54 AM
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After training updated my team no good game shapes compared with Godfather… :(
Saturday game no chance to win that team :(

This Post:
320210.13 in reply to 320210.11
Date: 9/5/2023 4:33:03 AM
Changi Muscle Ball
Overall Posts Rated:
You richest club in this league. If you wanna be first , surely can one . Anyway still very strong team , give chance , you and godfather dont whip our s

This Post:
320210.14 in reply to 320210.13
Date: 9/5/2023 8:45:11 PM
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No no, not rich team. No more player to sell with great value.

This Post:
320210.15 in reply to 320210.14
Date: 9/25/2023 7:50:42 AM
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I’m really sad. SG NT need inside defender. The weak point is ID, today game gave a lot of FT because of foul trouble:(
Current rosters and backup roster of insider all are long time didn’t get well training :( my weakness also. I didn’t tell to train them. Felling so sad.

This Post:
320210.16 in reply to 320210.15
Date: 9/25/2023 10:48:44 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Second Team:
ActiveSG Basketball Academy
I think this match was down to who has more talented players. Defense wasn't our only issue. Our offense wasn't good enough either. They have 12 players earning above 200k salary, and 4 of them were at proficient GS. Ignoring the fact that they have 600+ users, hence they have better talent, I think it's time to relook into our training blueprint - on how we can train players to be better.

Personally, after training Jackson and Guang, and now two U21 players in my team, I feel that we need some specialized training for a certain player. Jackson hit the cap (according to Buzzer-manager) at 27, Guang still hasn't hit the cap after 28. They should have been able to be capped earlier, but I needed to balance their training to benefit them both. Right now I'm training two players of different positions, again I have to find a balance between both players. So while they are decent enough to play in the U21, they aren't anywhere close to being the stars of the team, although considering the fact that they were drafted at 19 with average skills, I would say it's still on track, but I feel their training could be further optimized if I only focused on 1 of them.

So if we were to kickstart something, we'll need trainers who are dedicated. Focus on 1 HOF trainee, start from 18 years old, go with a level 6 trainer and level 6 youth trainer.

That said, who's in? I plan on doing that, but at least not until 6-7 seasons later when I'm done with Ng Liang Boon.

From: LDS

This Post:
320210.17 in reply to 320210.16
Date: 9/25/2023 6:42:54 PM
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alr doing this for my 2 guard.. haha🥲🥲

This Post:
320210.18 in reply to 320210.16
Date: 9/25/2023 8:25:36 PM
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Thanks for you point of view.
Yap, I have so many trainees and I difficult to decide for what roll of training and can get about full training. Some game they didn’t play well 48mins bcuz of foul or coach decide to substitute with other. So my training plan suddenly need to change to get their full training and difficult to hit my dream target.

For my NT experience Jackson, KYW they are not perfect player. Their TSP is overall highest. But not perfect for team success.
KYW lead the team if he is not playing the team result and game flow is quite better than he wasn’t playing the game. But he didn’t get too much scores and also he did a lot of foul and give FT to opposite team.
Jackson TSP is more than KYW but he lost the roll. I still cannot decision he is C? PF? SF? His experience he must get 1 main roll in NT. But difficult to desire for him. Because of NT not enough players. His overall skill is good but individual skill haven’t more than 17point ID, OD, IS and so on. That will be difficult to give 1 roll for him..
Long long ago SG NT had Fang S.. he is the best insider. But his salary is 300K above. Training and salary increase ratio is difficult to train talent. My problem was when I trained KYW when he was 24,25,26 I stopped train his insider skill bcuz of scary his salary increase season by season. Because of this he didn’t reach perfect and now I suffer with NT.

Just my thinking. Now also I m problem with 4 trainees. Sometimes I don’t want to train any trainees, bcuz of find trainer are so expensive to bid. Current my team my main 5rosters are average around 35yrs. So I need special trainer for their skill No drop. Need to use a lot of training fees. That’s why my economy is not upgrade. Currently Godfather is the no1 team in SG. He is good in transfer market. He bought most players with suitable prices and he sold them with good prices also. He can wait to sell them 1months also no problem for him. I think his staff usage is lower than other team. He not using too much money for training and what I thought was he train only team training like stamina. FT and game shape. That will good advantage for his team. Just my opinion.

By the way thanks a lot BuzzRBeater you help me a lot for database and training guide. 🥰

This Post:
320210.19 in reply to 320210.18
Date: 9/26/2023 10:08:34 AM
Tampines Fusion
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
ActiveSG Basketball Academy
Actually KYW and Jackson's build actually follows the trend of top NTs in the world. You need a minimum of 12 OD for Cs to minimize the impact of reverse patient, and they also won't get torched by their opposing Cs, which have the JS/JR of prime Seet De Han. You also need a minimum of 12 passing to limit turnovers, and to reduce the passing load of your PG (because as you know, passing takes up a lot of cap space on PGs but it is essentially free on Cs). That said, you're right that Jackson needs higher IS, but that didn't happen because he was already 28 by the time he was close to the cap, so his training speed is terrible. With a more efficient training plan (and maybe the use of youth trainers, because I didn't use one) he could have better skills. Which is why I mentioned the single player focus in the last post. I've also been checking out different training plans of other NTs and talking to various trainers and NT managers. From those discussions,I managed to gather these info:
JS: 18-20 on all positions if you want more versatility.
OD: minimum 12 on bigs, 20 on SF/SG/PG. Top NTs usually train past 20.
Passing: 12 on bigs, 13-15 on wings, PG can have around 15-16.
IS: 17-18 on bigs. For guards you need 20. Ironically but that is the trend, partly because IS is free on guards.
ID: Minimum 12 on guards to counter LI tactics. 17-18 for bigs. But this can actually be offset by SB. Recently BB revealed that SB is the factor for fouls, increasing ID will not help you decrease shooting fouls (source: (314816.1)). So right now the trend seems to be higher SB and lower ID. Something similar to Guang except that maybe 2 levels of SB higher. So SB might be an area you would want to explore n future players if you want to reduce shooting fouls.

With all these skills, your HOF would need to be trained beyond the cap (maybe only ATG can achieve it). But that's the way the top teams do it.

That said, I understand the struggle with your team. I know it's impossible to train NT players and compete at the same time, so if possible, I'd like you to just focus on winning SBBL and the B3 instead of training players. At least you can bring glory to us at B3 stage, while the young talents can be given to managers who want to focus solely on training. If you notice a MVP and above potential player who's team went botand is a free agent on the market, let me know, I will buy him then resell him off for $1000 so he will get a good trainer. This way it will not burden you so much financially.

This Post:
320210.20 in reply to 320210.19
Date: 10/3/2023 7:47:59 AM
Tampines Fusion
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
ActiveSG Basketball Academy
Just realized this week we lost one of our most senior players: Eric. He was our first NT manager. Along with Big Ben, both of them were like the longest serving NT managers in our country. This is indeed a great loss to our community. I think that should make SHP one of the most senior players around now? PhantoMech?
