actually not much in this thread is true, execpt for the two times it was said that it isn't true...
to raise, and afterwards maintain game-shape, there is no specific amount given by the BBs.
I know from experience that between 45 minutes and 75 minutes game shape (almost) always goes to a nice level and stays around that nice level.
But I also had raises with as low as 30 minutes. But also drops with 30 minutes...
To maintain the level I think that if you get out of the 45 - 75 range once, this won't hurt you if you get between 35 and 85 minutes. If this happens week after week your shape is likely to go down, but not a certainty.
Once your players get below 25 minutes or above 95 minutes your shape will drop steadily, the further away from these numebers, the bigger the effect.
Others might feel diffrent numbers are more correct, but I'm sure I'm not far off.
EDIT: and oh! don't think that when I say between 45 and 75 is good that 60 is ideal and has the best effect, no, 45 is just as good as 60 when it comes to game shape, just remember that if you want to train the player, 45 and 48 IS a big diffrence for his training.
I also want to repeat that this is my experience, so no BB-truth.
Last edited by Lord of Doom at 12/4/2008 9:31:48 AM
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