Maybe only an LA was too "creative" in translating the normal text.
Maybe only an LA was too "creative" in translating the normal text.That's what I'm guessing.
Juice, do you have the ability to check the English (UK) translations?
Screw it, I just did the work. English (UK) shows that event the same way. Deutsch shows it as "Airball von (player)...". So it's too much flavor in the German translation. Simple.Edit: In case whoever eventually retranslates this looks, a "brick" is not an air ball. It's a poor shot, usually meaning one with a little too much power and a low trajectory.
... a "brick" is not an air ball. It's a very poor shot, usually meaning one with a little too much power and a low trajectory.
---- --- --- -- -- -- __ *the rim*-
------ ---- ---- __ *the rim*--