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BB USA > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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224157.100 in reply to 224157.98
Date: 8/25/2012 2:33:48 PM
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3. you post it as the game happens. the goal is to get the community involved, people dont want to sign up for an offsite forum, and it sounds like when they do it goes poorly.

This is what Coco is talking about when he says if you don't have time to research an issue, don't make an accusation. This statement is completely false and your basing it off Buckeyefan.

Offsite has over 500 members now, with actually 70 more pending to authorize if they would bbmail us, and has grown substantially in the last several seasons.


Chart represents posting on offsite forum since 2010^. Obvious some fluctuation, some weeks are heavier than others depending on events such as elections, posting usually ramps up as the season progresses and the NT-U21 games become more important.

Community is constantly growing and that is thanks to the hard work of a lot of people over the last several seasons. This election debate thread may give the appearance otherwise simply because a couple of outliers have the chance to complain publicly.

This Post:
224157.101 in reply to 224157.100
Date: 8/25/2012 3:31:02 PM
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I've been busy lately, and I know chihorn is on vacation, so I apologize for lack of monitoring this forum, but ya'll are entering very dangerous territory.

To everyone, keep it focused on the NT and not on personal attacks, or I'm going to delete it. Thank you.

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224157.102 in reply to 224157.101
Date: 8/25/2012 4:17:08 PM
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yes GM-namssor to the rescue. thank u, u r here 2 finally stop the attacks

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224157.103 in reply to 224157.102
Date: 8/26/2012 1:59:28 PM
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OK, so I don't go for this useless controversy over whose fault it is that the NT hasn't won a gold, and I'm treading in very dangerous territory(Namssor's words), so I will throw in my two cents as everyone else has, albeit in the least controversial manner possible. So we have the critics, Southpaw, unreppenantgunner, bla-bla-bla. My thoughts on their attitudes and actions would be this, unless you have the guts to run for NT and have the responsibility of running a team representing our entire nation, across the globe, then you really can't sit back and judge. But you say you wouldn't ever get elected if you did run, well perhaps that shows you that you are not the only ones playing BB, and apparently the majority are happy with the direction Coco is taking this team. That said, perhaps there should be some new tactics implemented, but I think I can trust Coco, jfarb, wozztv, tangoz, and many others when they say that the cost to implement them, manager cooperation, etc are to much of a risk to try and make them work. Also would Coco deliberately hinder the NT team from being the best they can be, I hardly think so with the way he gets shredded apart now. I think that if the BB community feels they need a different coach, then they will be the ones to vote one in, not a few criticizers with little intention of helping the situation, or even trying to understand it. I also think what Coco said made tons of sense. He's been coach for two S and no we may not have a title, but we do have a greatly improved team thanks to the man, the legend, Coco. Thats it, now lets sit back and wait for the results, peacefully, if possible.

From: Toonces
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224157.104 in reply to 224157.103
Date: 8/26/2012 3:49:59 PM
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Nice discussion.

And now I remember why I don't bother with this *#%*.

Good luck to whomever wins, I feel for ya.

This Post:
224157.105 in reply to 224157.103
Date: 8/26/2012 5:51:04 PM
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Well said. Being a NT coach takes a LOT of work/time/effort, and is always under-appreciated.

This Post:
224157.106 in reply to 224157.38
Date: 8/26/2012 6:25:55 PM
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This was my last response to these people.

I have a question to throw back to the community. At this point there is incredible balance at the NT level. Almost everyone plays LI with high-passing, high-OD guards, great inside-looking SFs, a well-rounded big man at PF and a less well-rounded big man at C.

Where in your view can we get an edge?

There is one thing by the way that is almost a consensus pick: to have a guard with nice IS, but so far such a guard hasn't quite emerged (we have one player with 9 IS, but he's not often in good game shape and China has a guard with 17(!) IS).

Another no-brainer is my earlier suggestion to insist on team training (esp. FT) for old-capped guys (team training is independent of cap).

Anything else?

Only read up to this post, hard to keep up what with life and such and all....

Could we not get an edge, by having SFs that are... not LI focused? if *everyone* has LI focused SFs.... would then the edge be at having SFs whom are not LI oriented? or atleast have 2 guys spread equalish time there, 1 whom is LI-ish, and 1 whom is not?

This Post:
224157.107 in reply to 224157.86
Date: 8/26/2012 6:41:14 PM
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I have to agree with what southpaw says. I just want to add on to what he said though.

The offsite community was not welcoming for me. I tried to run for NT and U21 manager. Simply because I was not in a top division they wrote me off, but wanted me to be a part of the offsite community. Then they said that I never helped, even though I have a post asking to be a domestic scout, however they did not respond to this and I did not become a domestic scout. Basically what I am saying is, if you contradict what they think is right you will be eaten up by the offsite "community".
At least the NT has been having managers in the top divisions for who knows how long. How far has the gotten us in the world? Don't say we have had success in the Americas please. Think about it, we are a top 3 if not the top country with people playing buzzerbeater. We have not done much in the world and we are not a threat in the world championships. Yet we have the same people and types of people being the manager over and over again. WHERE HAS THAT GOTTEN US?

I also have some personal beef with just about everyone on the offsite. I want to say some things that I can't. I feel like I was never accepted into the community and that is why I stopped posting there. Again I think it is because of the division I am in. If I am such a bad coach, how come I have one of the top 20 year olds? I am deciding if I should make his game shape respectable weekly so you can't use him.

When will you get it through your thick skull that we need new NT managers? Most of the players that are potiential NT players come from DIV and DV. I have basically given up on the NT and U21 team because of how corrupt they are.

I have had similar experiences with the offsite, albeit I haven't tried to involve myself with NT or anything. Just, the air of arrogance/conceitedness there is quite thick. I pretty much only write in my diary, and a lot of the times I have asked for help, very few people take the time offer any, also, any ideas/differentiated opinions I have given have either been shot down, or simply ignored.

There are people that do reply to me and such, but you can notice, its the same people over and over. I like Tough as much as the next person, but many of his comments aren't helpful either. The ones who do help, thank you, the ones who don't ::shrug:: But I can see why multiple people get this vibe. On a side note, in my introduce myself on their is posted non-B related information about me, given that I could be a psychologist or case worker no problem... I like to think that my grasp of human understanding is good enough where I am not mistaken more often than I am correct.

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224157.109 in reply to 224157.108
Date: 8/26/2012 7:01:19 PM
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Even so... a non-LI SF, could be just a SF that is... for lack of a better world, "MWP'd out." Just defensively bolstered left and right, with enough secondaries where he'll move the ball and not hinder offense, sure you wouldn't want him shooting, but that's why have him share time with a guy that does score and function in LI?

Also, having a player like that, since (correct me if I am wrong) there aren't really many SFs built that way with high OD, ID, SB, etc. but limited scoring attributes. That might be a difference maker in figuring out the pros/cons of the 2-3 zone, and the best way for that's effectiveness?
