So,are you saying us that a motion oriented team can work if they have three super good OD defenders(something like 20-20-19 and a perimetral defense much better than the ones that NTs have in BB)?
Yeah,that surely indicate to the avergae manager in BB that LI is not a too dominant tactic...
Those three high OD defenders all had salaries under 150K, if anything this is a case for motion's dominance. They were able to account for the majority of my team's offense and defense on their own, a feat comparable bigs wouldn't be able to accomplish. These weren't particularly difficult players to develop either, I never trained their secondaries. A high IS guard is much more challenging to create.
The fact that such a team, with a 35k PF and an 80k C (with proficient ID) could even compete with teams that have 15+ IS on their guards and monster bigs should say something about LI's dominance.