Spanish D3 is comparable to English D1
lol sure. D3 in Spain is comparable to D3 everywhere else where there are enough human managers and is not comparable to D2 or D1 elsewhere. You are a D3 manager. Not to worry I was there too 15 seasons ago and most of us have been there when the game wasn't dying and had 3x the number of managers as today. What do you want? An applause for promoting from a bot league (2 bots and 1 quasi bot) in a game slowly dying?? Smh
You have done bad scouting. I had already achieved permanence in div3 before that draft. I
nah you would have demoted back to D4 if Utopia rules were implemented as Marin initially wanted to as you would have played relegation without HCA against a better team. It even took you 3 games to stay up
with HCA. You should go find the thread where they made Marin change his mind and thank everyone for saving you!
You should know that daytrading is impossible due to taxes. You are showing the poor level of understanding of the game in English D1.
Daytrading is not impossible, playing the Transfer List IS daytrading, which is what you did and even then you'd have a negative balance in the transfers without getting lucky in the draft.
Daytrading is still possible both as it once was (almost) and in the moderate way you are doing it (waiting for taxes to reduce). You want to see who used to do it every single season and now does it slightly less frequently in a slightly changed way? Darkonza
If you use your brain, you will see that daytrading as people were doing it (buy players very cheaply and resell them at 50x the price) is still possible because when you list 30 players, you will only be affected by the number of sales prior to the listing. You buy 30 players and you list them after 3 days and all will go with a 40% tax. After that you need to wait a season for these sales to be excluded from the calculation.
The real reason why daytrading, even this kind, is done less and less is that prices make it harder to make a profit nowadays. It's harder to find high potential players you can spend 1k-30k on. Also some hardcore daytraders quit.
You are stuck in English div1 which is a lower league. But that is a completely different issue.
Is this what you tell yourself? And you believe it? D1>>D3. It's obvious! You should add a honorific when addressing people who have been or are in D2 and D1. When you get there we can talk as equals :). And yes I'm stuck here because I can't go any Smh
If everyone benefit, nobody benefits.
lolol sure. If nobody benefits there is no reason to oppose the proposals, wouldn't you agree? Then support the porposals, thank you. Smh
You can find in the market a lot of players that have been sold for less than their initial price, after several seasons of training. That is a real problem, specially for relatively new managers training their first group of trainees.
Dude you don't train, what makes you an expert about training? smh
However I'm gonna say this: inflation was created with the key aim of making training profitable. Now since you are the repository of understanding, my dear Jung Freud, it seems that according to you (who doesn't train) that is not the case. So make a post about how training is not profitable because of high prices, so we can all have a laugh either at Marin or at you. Cheerios
Last edited by Lemonshine at 9/4/2017 8:57:18 AM