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BBB 3 Benefits

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32764.102 in reply to 32764.98
Date: 6/3/2008 10:52:53 PM
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Yoo hoo Juice Pats..........- we are waiting for you.......

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32764.104 in reply to 32764.102
Date: 6/3/2008 10:58:43 PM
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Im just hoping the next BBB match your in, they can read english, read this post, and put you out of it.

I'll cover that for you.


Your next opponent, eh.

He TIEs every game, eh?

So go ahead and prepare yourself accordingly, eh!

By the way, I think you are the favourite, eh. But do me a favour, eh and keep this on the down low.

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone
From: Deadmeat

This Post:
32764.105 in reply to 32764.103
Date: 6/3/2008 11:01:19 PM
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Main Entry: dis·hon·est
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)dis-ˈä-nəst also (ˌ)diz-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French deshoneste, from des- dis- + honeste honest
Date: 14th century
1obsolete : shameful, unchaste
2: characterized by lack of truth, honesty, or trustworthiness : unfair, deceptive
— dis·hon·est·ly adverb
synonyms dishonest, deceitful, mendacious, untruthful mean unworthy of trust or belief. dishonest implies a willful perversion of truth in order to deceive, cheat, or defraud <a swindle usually involves two dishonest people>. deceitful usually implies an intent to mislead and commonly suggests a false appearance or double-dealing <the secret affairs of a deceitful spouse>. mendacious may suggest bland or even harmlessly mischievous deceit and when used of people often suggests a habit of telling untruths <mendacious tales of adventure>. untruthful stresses a discrepancy between what is said and fact or reality <an untruthful account of their actions>.

From: stogey23

This Post:
32764.108 in reply to 32764.107
Date: 6/3/2008 11:10:17 PM
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I'll use it in a sentence.

It would be dishonest to agree to a Mutual TIE and then Normal or CT.

Am I understanding the lesson Deadmeat?

Last edited by stogey23 at 6/3/2008 11:10:49 PM

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone
This Post:
32764.109 in reply to 32764.103
Date: 6/3/2008 11:10:40 PM
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Just because its not in the rules and everyone does it, doesn't make it right.

Another strategic option we are all given is wait. Wait and let the game mature. Wait and let players get better. Wait 5-10 years so we can be as good (assuming it's possible) at mutual TIE's as they are now. All we have heard is we are not supposed to be as good as the NBBA is. We are not supposed to compete with them. Your team got booted this last season so appearently you were not strategic enough stay up.

There whole point was to make this game better, not abuse it and profit from it. Day trading wasn't illegal but was banned. Lets hope this is next.

It's good to know you are not afraid to comment on your mutual TIE's.

This Post:
32764.110 in reply to 32764.97
Date: 6/3/2008 11:14:25 PM
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Forgive me if Im wrong but technically MLB didnt outlaw steroids in MLB until 2002 and didnt even start handing out suspensions until 2005. Before 2002 I seem to remember a lot of good normal looking baseball players turn into simean foreheaded freaks of nature hitting jacking long balls all day long. Technically were steroids wrong in baseball? No. An actual court of law may have something to say but the MLB didnt.

So Barry Bon....errr...King drive, lemme hang a star next to your last seasons championship...while Im at it Giambi..errr..Juice-pats (how fitting), and Cansec...I mean Stogey....have fun in your world where yeah sure TECHNICALLY you are right, its not wrong, but its amazing how quickly the mighty fell off once the jig was up and the juice was out....Much like the US in the Global arena last season.

Sure in this game theres not rule against mutual TIE, but in the eyes of the rest of us, lets just put that asterisk next to your names and call it good eh?

From: Deadmeat

This Post:
32764.111 in reply to 32764.107
Date: 6/3/2008 11:15:40 PM
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Agreeing to mutually take it easy with some league members, while using the stored enthusiasm to pummel other league members, is dishonest. It puts the team not part of the agreement at a disadvantage. They have to look at a team, look at how important the game is vs the strength of the team they are playing and make a tactical decision.

It also puts members of other countries who do not have this agreement in place with opponents in the same kind of disadvantage that is not in the spirit of an individual, not team driven, competition.

You know the dictionary. Im guessing by your tag and your team name you graduated from Wake Forest. I hope you took a class on ethics somewhere along the line.
