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Season 42 Y'all

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293541.105 in reply to 293541.104
Date: 5/21/2018 12:06:26 AM
CC Mavs
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Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
I have talked to the powers that be about Herrington and yes, if I train driving he should make the U21 and/or NT in the future. I love training also nothing like molding your own player to me. I don't mind buying a young FA if I get him very earlier in his 1st season. Giving minutes and winning is a hard juggling act, this season I am not so good at it.

Forgive me Mr. Sams Perennial Allstar and a darn good one might I add.

This Post:
293541.106 in reply to 293541.105
Date: 5/22/2018 8:17:56 AM
Greensboro Generals
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Tonight's opening package consist of various slow motion shots of the teams entering the arena of battle. Some of the whole team exiting the tunnel, some of individuals as they are introduced.


Announcer: the battles for contention and survival continue to increase in importance as the season starts to take the turn towards the conclusion. With the ASG coming up next week for many tonight and Saturday will have massive importance for their fortunes going forward.

The Mavs seek to solidify their postseason standing while Stormz tries to regain some recently lost momentum.

The Pistons must avoid a shark trap in order to stay in touch in the Uber competitive Blues.

The Masters seek to hold serve in order to keep the Kitties at bay. While the Generals need this one to avoid seeing their hard work go by the boards as a loss could easily place them into the relegation zone while a win could under the right circumstances put them into the driver's seat.

Ladson looks to keep the barbarians at the gate while round 2 would like to topple this empire in order to better ensure their standing.

The kitties will try to keep pace in club red while quake continues the dalliance with the spectre of the cellar.

And our cameras tonight focus on a mirror image of that situation as Deronimo seeks to keep their title hopes afloat against a Bulls club just looking for anything they can grab hold of.

Sparty and the winners face off in a contest critical for both teams efforts to escape the hole.

While the bunnies and blizzards battle in a contest to see which can reclaim lost ground in the playoff race.

Both the Generals and Lions have cup contest this week as both are looking to make an appearance in the field of 64 and we will be breaking down both contests. Sybil returns from her sabbatical to peer into her Crystal ball. Plus we have another edition of Vox Populi as we will reveal the fans choices on who will make it to next weeks ASG. Also the commissioner will come by to let us know how the negotiations are proceeding on which arena will host that contest so make sure to stay tuned as it will show some interesting insights into the process of site selection. It's all that and much more as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 5/22/2018 10:15:33 AM

From: Goat

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293541.108 in reply to 293541.107
Date: 5/23/2018 11:22:19 PM
Snow Blizzards
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Very solid assessment. I'm still not sure how we won vs the bunnies.....but we will take it!

This Post:
293541.109 in reply to 293541.107
Date: 5/23/2018 11:51:19 PM
Greensboro Generals
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Unedible did check in for the first time since the 19th. I would like to think their history suggest they are going to focus on keeping their hotshots well heeled, but we will not know until tip, but I am cautiously optimistic.

Found a big time playa for a paupers sum. Oh it has me looking at being 11k in the hole based upon current income levels, but we are going to pass part of the price on to the customer. I think they will not mind paying a few extra bucks. Of course I will need to dump a little salary, in theory, but I may just keep the remainder of the squad as to maximize depth, but it's a wait and see approach to matters. If I could add a dynamic presence to the backcourt that would be optimal, but finding this guy was a coup. I really dig the way this cat is built I feel he has viability at the 3,4, or 5. For a PF he has a lot of range, some of his secondaries are kinda soft, but nothing truly detrimental. Funny thing is he has almost the exact TSP as Webb, with a very similar guard to forward split, but he is four times as expensive due to the nature of his makeup. Then again TSP I feel is not always the best indicator of impact.

The one bad thing is the development of Han is getting side tracked, so I guess getting him coached up to U21 levels might be slipping by the wayside but I still see him in time being a bug time player. As it currently shakes out this week will be another attempt to snake something for one of the guards as Han is just not going to get enough minutes this week. Hopefully we get another week of cup play before settling into throwing full attention to this man.

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293541.111 in reply to 293541.109
Date: 5/25/2018 1:40:21 PM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Tonight open starts with a shot of a heavily perspiring Andy Armstead as a single bead of sweat falls from his eyebrow in slow motion. Then of various players, coaches, and even spectators looking for ways to combat the rising temperature. Followed by some hot on court action consisting of those breakaway dunks long bombs, pretty backdoor cuts etc that we all know and love.


Announcer: with summer at our door as the season prepares to hit the all Star break the battle for position continues to heat up.

The blizzards will be looking to hold on to their tenuous grip on the final spot in club red while quake will be seeking to climb back out of the cellar of the blues.

While the exact same situation plays itself out tonight at the forum as the host Spartans try to steer clear of calamity again a 2 squad trying to edge out of the relegation zone.

The Pistons seek to hold serve against the bulls.

While the bunnies are hoping to creep back a little closer to playoff contention against a Mavs club that would like to claim a road win in the cave to bolster their present position.

Stormz will be hoping to squelch the sharks attack and to keep pace in the Uber competitive Blues.

While the Generals will be looking to keep pace with the top end of the table against a winners club trying to find a way out of club red perdition.

Tonight our cameras will focus on the NoCo as top of the pops Lions and kitties will claw at each other.

And in Cassell coliseum Deronimo and Masters tee it up in a clash between those who are sitting pretty at number two.

The Lions are Generals are still stormin like Norman in the cup. And of course we will check to see what their chances look like for the Taco Tuesday edition of the cup competition. Of course Sybil has her say. We will take a look at what the post all star landscape may hold. Tonight's point-counterpoint debate will discuss the merits and needs of the All Star Game activities. All that and a whole lot more as it's a memorial day weekend Beach blast edition of BB2NIGHT

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 5/25/2018 2:26:16 PM

This Post:
293541.113 in reply to 293541.112
Date: 5/26/2018 6:14:41 PM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Yeah buzzer manager suggest that guy is going to see quite a drop-off in salary next season.

The goals for tonight are threefold.

1, win, nothing is assured in life I think we got this one and we will get to spread the minutes to boot, we need to pick up some PD but overall management of minutes must take priority. Of course with my luck nine guys will get tomate poisoning at the team dinner and we will have to start Tanner and a lucky fan

2, draw a good house, b-m suggest my pricing is spot on, but will the fans crap all over it since tonight's opponent lacks cache? the price increases are somewhat steep but dammit were offering a better product, the sheeple better acknowledge.

3, avoid injury, I am not out and out sitting guys as minutes do need to be procured, but the goal is to have enough in the tank for the full Monty. Let's just hope winners doesn't thug out or that some hick throws ice out on the floor.

This actually is what in many ways is a "historic" time for this franchise. First we are enjoying what is for us a excellent season so we want to keep riding that horse. Second is we have a real chance on Tuesday to break thru a glass ceiling as this is our 4th trip to the field of 64. First time around was a walloping to the Anteaters, second was a close loss to Georgia Tech, third was a brutal heartbreaking loss to Cold Fish. Now we get a shot against someone who on paper we look to match up well with. Lastly the Generals are finally on the forefront of cracking the hot 100. At the moment we sit at 104 which about equals the closest we have ever gotten , and our momentum might propel us into the charts but a couple of more wins this week I think puts it over the top for sure.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 5/26/2018 6:19:39 PM

This Post:
293541.114 in reply to 293541.113
Date: 5/26/2018 10:26:24 PM
CC Mavs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
I want to congratulate both of you guys for going as far as you have in the CUP. Boy we (RED) take a beating this week going 0-for against the BLUE. Guys we have to better some sort of way hehe.
