What about the top teams that don't hoard money? Those not in mature leagues with big arenas? I guess those countries will just have to suck it up and not be able to compete for however long it is until you decide to end the communist regime and "... the gate money will return to being 100% given to the clubs."
If you're going to target anything, target huge arenas until player salaries catch up with the revenue. That's the actual issue here.I wonder how salaries will catch up anytime soon with the introduction of potential and skill caps. Inside players salaries are getting up there, but guards are hitting their caps while their salaries are still relatively low.I think potential caps are pretty high. People get scared of '6th man' and 'starter', but I suspect these can easily be trained to a 10k salary, judging by the fact that a lot of those all-star NT players are still below the cap.
If you're going to target anything, target huge arenas until player salaries catch up with the revenue. That's the actual issue here.I wonder how salaries will catch up anytime soon with the introduction of potential and skill caps. Inside players salaries are getting up there, but guards are hitting their caps while their salaries are still relatively low.
If you're going to target anything, target huge arenas until player salaries catch up with the revenue. That's the actual issue here.
1. Will the new attendance formula be less influenced by the result of the last game? My biggest issue with attendance is that its so focused on your last game result and should be more based on a longer-term average.
1. You might consider changing top league income based on the size of the countries user base. For example, there is a disproportionate number of I clubs, because all the small countries have no II leagues and those teams have the potential to make huge income streams. If income was scaled according to user base size (not linearly, but maybe using a log function or something...that would reduce a lot of the teams making huge profits and creating run-away inflation.For example income in various countries might scale by...Italy (3200 users) -> log 3200 = 3.5 (income in larger countries fairly similar -- maybe there could even be a cap)USA (900 users) -> log 900 = 2.95Brazil (500 users) -> log 500 = 2.70...Bulgaria (160 users) -> log 160 = 2.20 (top league teams in medium countries might be make more like II money)...Japan (13 users) -> log 13 = 1.11 (top teams from smaller counties wound be making considerably less and thus wouldn't be contributing to the inflation effect).
Thats nice to know!!But somehow i cant see many bidding wars breaking out over these kinds of players by the bigger teams.... do you think that these 10k players will help teams compete with the reallly top teams within BB?
This whole thing looks like treating headache with the guillotine. If you're going to target anything, target huge arenas until player salaries catch up with the revenue. That's the actual issue here.