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NBA's top 5

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221782.106 in reply to 221782.105
Date: 7/21/2012 12:42:11 PM
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the dude had a bonner afterwards he was competley shocked

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221782.107 in reply to 221782.104
Date: 7/21/2012 3:28:27 PM
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if you really just told me that dwight howard can shoot, i'm done talking to you. you obviously have NO CLUE

From: E.B.W.

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221782.108 in reply to 221782.107
Date: 7/21/2012 9:15:43 PM
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I'm completely with you! Dwight can dunk and maybe hit from two or three feet away but not much longer than that. Thats like saying Earl Boykins is a beast post up player

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: tough

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221782.109 in reply to 221782.108
Date: 7/21/2012 10:21:00 PM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
was Bonkins good in the 90s? I heard he came out of retirment to play with the Rockets, cause of all the injuries, at least he can still shoot at 5'6'' and 36 yo

I'm taller than him


3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
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221782.110 in reply to 221782.109
Date: 7/21/2012 10:47:58 PM
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Tough will be 6'5" by 18

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221782.111 in reply to 221782.110
Date: 7/21/2012 11:30:30 PM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
nah, I say 6'2'' could be a good shooting guard or PG that can drive to the basket, what I need to do is buy a basketball and train myelf cause everyone at my school think I can't shoot, that all I can do is rebound.

I'll show them in 8th Grade!
(In 7th grade)

Man, summer almost over.... don't want to go to school


oh well whats your height comet?

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
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221782.112 in reply to 221782.107
Date: 7/22/2012 9:44:40 AM
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no i'm saying he can shoot more than griffin as griffin can't shoot into a blac k hole he sucks so badly

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221782.113 in reply to 221782.112
Date: 7/22/2012 11:44:59 AM
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look since neither of them actually shoot jump shots, the only way i can prove that griffin is just as good a shooter is by free throw %. last season:

Griffin: 52%
Howard: 49%

they are both atrocious, but you're still wrong about who can shoot better.

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221782.114 in reply to 221782.113
Date: 7/22/2012 1:52:10 PM
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lol or not....besides Griffin won't last as many seasaon in the league as Howard has

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221782.115 in reply to 221782.114
Date: 7/22/2012 5:16:26 PM
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omg, you're wrong yet again. Dwight howard has lasted 8 years so far. Brian Scalabrine has been in the league for 11 years. If brian scalabrine can do it, blake griffin sure as hell can.

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221782.116 in reply to 221782.115
Date: 7/23/2012 11:24:44 AM
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and he starts for...o wait...noone
