that's just my thinkin' and I ain't got any info about it but
In planing my arena build up I tought tha a certain percentage will always be covered i.e. 5%, so the biggest arena the more attendance in bad conditions (5+L row...), with a de minimis attendace: your ticket holders.
now I got a 7000 dome in which my attendace is really linked to team results and in this divine season I lost just 2 games and i'm still in the cup so I haven't clues about my "low attendance " theory, but i'm still conviced about the minimum percentage attendace.
and now a question: I got a 5 luxury, with 4 seats per game in last 7 games: if I set top prices and i lose 1 person i'll earn 1600x3=4800 instead of 4x1100=4400, do you think a risk a minor attendance?
final concerning:
15/07/2008 18.00.00 tollywood
19/07/2008 18.00.00 Skonto Phyga
22/07/2008 18.00.00 F.C. COUNO
a three home game row, with maybe one L + 1 L in the cup before this economically fantastic series of games:
how do you think I should set my prices for next month to gain the most?
I'm planing to: raise 1$ - lower 1$ (200 empties in last games) - raise 5 (7 empties usually) - raise 500 (see above)
suggestions really welcome.
Last edited by Thecippis at 6/15/2008 6:49:29 AM