Final opinion: RakBA is typical outside-based Motion team with two important disctinctions:
1. His PG is the best shooter on team, while a typical Motion team should probably place his best shooter at SG. This didn't hurt his game though as his PG had a high enough passing to dish the ball in situations where shooting the ball wasn't the best option.
2. His SG has high passing, so as PG he was also doing double-duty by shooting and passing quite a lot.
RakBa team doesn't have a player whose passing woud be his best offensive skill, so we can't see if a player would prefer to pass the ball rather than shoot based on his skills. However, this team will serve as a good comparison for others that are coming.
How would he fare against high OD teams? His offense focuses on his PG and SG (and SF to a lesser extent) who have high JR, which means they take a lot of outside shots. As we know, high OD stops outside shots very well, so this is what happens:
(39032025)I haven't been able to understand one thing though. If a player has very little pass attempts, it means either he has bad passing skill or the player guarding him has much higher outside defense OR he has a high chance to score so he doesn't want ot pass. I think neither is true in three games I analyzed, so the question is:
Why did SF have only 2 pass attempts here
(42308436), 2 pass attempts here
(42354975) and only 1 pass attempt here
Last edited by Koperboy at 3/13/2012 7:23:58 AM