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Cyprus - I.1 > Trying to understand the game engine

Trying to understand the game engine

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115377.11 in reply to 115377.10
Date: 10/17/2009 5:52:27 PM
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Cerci use his money power. Being the oldest team in Cyprus can give the money to buy the players, that u cant or dont know how to train, but this is not how to built a good team on this game.

About the training, yep a good all around player can be very useful, but u have to built a players that are great on a specific positions, and then try to train secondary skills. If u dont do that u will have all around players but mediocre. You cant win like that.

Last season i have proved that i was the best team dont i? I did'nt had the best players for sure but... wining take much more than just have a good players. U must learn how to use the tactics properly, how to manage the enthusiasm, gameshape ETC.

This season is Gold Towers are the best time right now, but we are the middle of the season. Lots of things can change by the end dont u think?

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115377.12 in reply to 115377.4
Date: 10/18/2009 11:55:17 AM
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Cheers mate :) It is time to start even it is too late.

P.S:Money is the power. Power is the succes.

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115377.13 in reply to 115377.11
Date: 10/18/2009 12:04:41 PM
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bro, wait until 22/10/2009 18:00:00 , I am gonna show who is the best . =)

Last edited by Daddy Cool at 10/18/2009 12:05:59 PM

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115377.14 in reply to 115377.3
Date: 10/19/2009 3:35:09 PM
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Apparently the season for me is over since I cannot make a good appearance this year. So the goal is to train my youngsters efstratiadis and Mpanis as best as I can getting them ready for the season to come and to try hard to remain in the first division since I assume I will be playing relegation match. More over to build as much as I can as to earn more money. I believe it should be a good plan. Who knows maybe next year my team will do better and get even stronger. Anyway thanks for the previous advise. I will try to keep them in mind.

This Post:
115377.15 in reply to 115377.1
Date: 10/31/2009 12:18:08 PM
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Here is a question I cannot answer. In my game against Lost Spartans 5 minutes before the start of the match I went to the schedule page to see my starting line up to the upcoming game against Valentino and fix my tactics that I had already done days ago. To my surprise I saw that one of my players (Ordonio) was painted red like he was injured. Maybe its a game fault I said. Then the game started and in the 3rd quarter with Lost Spartans my player Ordonio was injured. How is this possible. To know the result of the game before it is even played, to know who is injured before the game has started? The more you play the more mistakes you find in the game engine that need to be addressed for the better of the game.

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115377.16 in reply to 115377.15
Date: 10/31/2009 2:06:30 PM
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Its a bug forum too and something like that u can post it there

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115377.17 in reply to 115377.15
Date: 10/31/2009 4:05:36 PM
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Check this: (11740.1)

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115377.18 in reply to 115377.15
Date: 11/2/2009 9:46:58 AM
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Yes, it's a bug, you should write it on "bug forum"