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Suggestions > Coop mode - Farm team, Main team

Coop mode - Farm team, Main team (thread closed)

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127075.11 in reply to 127075.1
Date: 1/9/2010 6:01:41 AM
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So, basically you are suggesting 1) a bigger training roster, 2) about twice the games, and 3) the ability to co-op with a friend.

The first two points just make the team more time-consuming to manage if you do it all alone. That's perhaps good for those who can and want to use a lot of time, bad for others. I'm afraid it wouldn't bring more people to the game, as most can't use a lot of time. The third point is interesting, but I think it would be too big a change for the game at this point to be really considered. And to be honest, the farm team concept as such doesn't really bring much to the game, it just makes the teams bigger. So, the role of the farm team would need to be refined a lot.

I think the co-op management idea is good, as long as it brings something new to the table. You could base an entire game on this idea, where you, e.g., have a multi-tier system of teams (main team, farm team, farm's farm, perhaps a junior team as a separate team to these three feeding them all with fresh talent), and the role of the manager could change based on performance. You do well, you get promoted from managing the farm team to the main team. You suck, you get demoted or sacked altogether and need to find a new organization. The way I described this obviously has little room in BB. This is a game where you are the team (you are called the manager, but you are IMO really the team or the team's owner who happens to make all the managerial decisions). If you were the manager, you could switch teams or even be forced to do that. The co-op mode would work better in such a game, I think.

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127075.12 in reply to 127075.11
Date: 1/10/2010 11:17:23 AM
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Thanks for your constructive reply WallyOop (and others as well). I agree that a coop feature might work better on a brand new game designed around this particular idea.

I still think that there is something good in the farm teams idea. Ideally, it could replace completely the current draft system. Maybe the farm club could manage itself without the player intervention. You could see how your top prospects are doing in the farm league without being able to take any decision concerning training or lineup. The only thing you could do would be to bring a young player in the big club to see if he's ready for the real thing... and send him back in the school team if he's not.

And to those who criticized me for not analyzing my original suggestion enough :

I know I did not analyze everything with my suggestion, I didn't want to do that either. It's just a wild idea that popped in my head while having a beer with a friend! I only wanted to share this idea with the BB community... I didn't feel like putting down on paper all pros and cons of this idea just to make sure that I will not get turned away by some forum "veterans" who want a perfect suggestion without any flaw.

From: Elmacca

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127075.13 in reply to 127075.12
Date: 1/10/2010 4:06:43 PM
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Good on you. And well done for accepting that it is a flawed idea, because it does mess too much with the game dynamics. A feature like that changes the fundamental approach to your club for many owners, and needs to be incorporated from day one.

From: Kukoc

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127075.15 in reply to 127075.14
Date: 1/10/2010 5:09:29 PM
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I have nothing against suggestions that are thought through.
Just think before posting suggestions like:
I think teams should get more money;
Draftees should have one legendary skill;
You should get free seats to your arena every time you click on any advertisement on this site.

I think you get the picture already :D
Happy hunting.

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127075.17 in reply to 127075.15
Date: 1/10/2010 9:22:51 PM
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I have nothing against suggestions that are thought through.
Just think before posting suggestions like:
I think teams should get more money;
Draftees should have one legendary skill;
You should get free seats to your arena every time you click on any advertisement on this site.

I think you get the picture already
Happy hunting.
Having a suggestion is better than having none. If you get discouraged by answering why some ideas are impossible to implement, or end up only looking for the cons (it happens to all of us), it often helps with a little break from the suggestion forums. User suggestions are an important source of inspiration for the BB's and the final product are seldom one users initial layout of an idea, but a collaboration and collection of views after a fun and healthy discussion ;)
I kinda like the process of refining a suggestion, after a spark of an idea has been lit, almost as much as seeing it implemented.

Btw, I see how it could be a replacement for the draft, but as many others have pointed out, the openings for cheating opens wide up and it undermines the challenge of training young players in your team. IMHO.

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127075.18 in reply to 127075.17
Date: 1/11/2010 7:41:47 AM
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Light hearted banter is now not allowed? If the naming of 2 countries with large userbases can be narrowed down to certain teams that you think I think are breaking the rules then what does this tell you?!

Now if i said XXX and XXX then I could understand :D

Edit: Censored countries.

Last edited by Svett Sleik (U21-Scout Norge) at 1/11/2010 8:45:53 AM

This Post:
127075.19 in reply to 127075.18
Date: 1/11/2010 8:44:36 AM
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If the naming of 2 countries with large userbases can be narrowed down to certain teams that you think I think are breaking the rules then what does this tell you?!

I don't follow. Please refrain from putting forward cheating allegations in the forums.
- Cheating accusations. Please use the Cheating Report tool.
taken from Forum Rules: (1592.1)
That should be easy enough to understand, don't you think?

From: Deneb
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127075.20 in reply to 127075.19
Date: 1/11/2010 9:09:23 AM
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What? Is it me who is accused of cheating now? That's getting ridiculous now... Anyway, thanks Svett Sleik for your reply.

To all: Let me add one last remark concerning the attitude here. I promise I'm out of here after!

I'm not saying this just because it is MY suggestion, but some people need to welcome user suggestions with a more open mind. At the moment I feel like a few forum veterans are acting like a barrier between new ideas and the game. No hard feeling really and I'm not saying this to whine or complain... it doesn't prevent me to sleep at night, don't worry. Still the fact remain that this kind of attitude is bad for BB's improvement. Perhaps a few users who visit this forum see the close mindedness and self righteous attitude of some users and that it prevents them from sharing their ideas... who knows? I for one don't intend to share anything else here in the future. At the moment, this place is too hostile for my taste and I prefer to stay away from this forum and concentrate with the game exclusively. Again, no hard feelings and I'm not saying this to complain, all I'm saying is this forum would benefit from a more friendly and open attitude.

edit : Fixed some weird phrases (sorry, my native language is french)

Last edited by Deneb at 1/11/2010 4:52:48 PM

From: aigidios

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127075.21 in reply to 127075.20
Date: 1/11/2010 9:47:35 AM
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Maybe there would not answer anyone then.

If you feel the barrier just because someone doesnt share your opinion, it is just your subjective feeling, because how would you now what think about that someone else? You cant force people to say only nice things to you, because that would not be productive either.

Last edited by aigidios at 1/11/2010 9:48:15 AM
