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132170.11 in reply to 132170.9
Date: 02/22/2010 13:24:59
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A year ago, I wrote something and I will write it once again.
The work of a NT manager is by far the hardest. Not only do you have to built a strong team and convince team managers to train their players but mostly you have to answer to the other managers whose players did not make it in the NT with rational answers so that they can understand the reasoning behind your actions. Getting results is by far the best answer but is not the only one.
Steve made a clever move, in my opinion, when he posted a table board saying what are the expected skills, based on the age of a player, in order to be a candidate for a possible entrance in the NT squad.
Surely the work of the new manager will be hard at first and perhaps by the time he starts getting positive results the end of the season will come and he might get replaced. The right attitude by all the Cyprus managers is to give the new NT manager a chance of more than one season to set in and get the hang of its new position. This is my opinion. Surely some people will disagree with my way of thinking, and surely they will disagree with the NT managers way of thinking.
The key point is to help the NT manager and not sabotaz its work. No comparison to Steve should be made regarding his tactics since each one sees the game in a different way, but we should advise the new NT if we can.
That is why I said before that the NT manager should have one face but many hands. The more the hands that help him (hands=other managers) the earlier the NT will come back to positive results and the better the future.
I believe I said my part. These are my opinions.

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132170.12 in reply to 132170.11
Date: 02/22/2010 13:31:52
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The hardest part of the NT manager are all those mails that he has to send for the updates, and convince the managers to follow his advices.

Steve jobs was the hardest because he had to built the community from the scratch. Now we have 10-15 users that knows what they are doing. This is exactly what i consider as the biggest accomplishment of Steve.

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132170.13 in reply to 132170.11
Date: 02/22/2010 13:36:19
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Further more I believe Steve got better as a NT manager through daily discussions with other managers. I was one of the first that disagreed with his initial way of deciding who gets to be in the national team and who doesnt. I will not hide it but initially I was a disbeliever of its work. I wasnt convinced that his work benefited our NT. Season by season I saw him work harder. He made a list of many many Cypriot players that play abroad. An endless list that surely too lots of time and endless effort. I gave Steve the chance, I did not turn my back on him and watched his work week by week. The result? Eventually slowly but surely I understood his way of thinking and I applaud his work. He has gone a long way since he started, that is for sure.
I am sure who ever becomes the new NT manager will grow slowly to become a great manager as long as we stand by its side and help him where ever we can.

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132170.14 in reply to 132170.13
Date: 02/23/2010 11:29:29
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I believe that we all agree that Steve is a great NT manager and every team he takes control of must be very proud..He definetely showed the way..the right way :) I agree with Pistoleros that with team effort, at least at the beggining, his work can be continued..