Those two best categories are clear.
50 luxury
500 courtside
But is it possible to fill more lower tier seats than bleachers?
How BB or actually our spectators behave?
- if ticket price to lower tier is inviting, will they take ticket to lower tier instead of bleachers? I mean, can we convert our bleachers to a little more expensive seats?
- or is there just a formula for every seat category, so that they will use X euros per seat based on success etc.? Of course formula is different for every category, so that long term success and so on will affect differently to every seat category...
Any ideas?
Based on current understanding, I would take:
6000 lower tier
13000+ bleachers
I checked also Finland D1. There was 4950 lower tier seats and crowded with over 4000 fans (one of the best teams in Finland).