Other changes I plan on making, at least a week from now (based on the bugs you reported):
- I can use a function that strips character accents (basically switches ñ to n, etc) and apply that to the loginName, if there are no objections?
- potential all time great will be 11
- private league games in neutral arenas will be marked "pl.rsneutral"
- can't help you with "cup.semi_or_final", since we don't differentiate those in the database
- BBB 1/4 final, BBB 1/2 final, BBB final games will be marked "bbb.neutral"
- the new defensive strategies (ones that are already available and the ones we *might* add) are: "InsideBoxAndOne", "OutsideBoxAndOne" and "BalancedBoxAndOne"
- new offensive strategies: "InsideIsolation", "OutsideIsolation", "BalancedIsolation"
Let me know if there are some more things that need fixing.