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Hellas - IV.45 > SEASON 16


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181567.11 in reply to 181567.10
Date: 5/1/2011 4:33:39 AM
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an 8es na deis gia mats pou eprepe na kerdhsw des me ton besker to diko m..... to idio elege k o kimonas.... alla to phre k me diafora....

This Post:
181567.12 in reply to 181567.10
Date: 5/1/2011 6:19:39 AM
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Kalimera file..
Min ksexnas pws to paixnidi basizetai sta mathimatika..
..o adipalos sou ebgale polu kaluteri epithesi apo esena..ebgales kaluteri amuna omws..borei na eixai megalutero enthousiasmo apo esena kai eixai kai tn edra!Basi rating eisai kaluteros..eixes megali astoxia sta sout kai ekanes polla foul..Min ksexnas pws exases ston ponto..tha borouses kai na nikouses fusika,alla etsi einai to paixnidi,den nikoun panta ta fabori!

This Post:
181567.13 in reply to 181567.11
Date: 5/1/2011 6:28:25 AM
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To diko mas paixnidi basi statistikon htan kerdisa epeidi epaiksa kanonika kai eixai kai edra!

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181567.14 in reply to 181567.12
Date: 5/1/2011 6:31:57 AM
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den leo oti kerdizei panta h kalyteri omada,alla kaneis ena megalo lathos.kalyteri epithesi eixa ego kai oxi o antipalos mou.mallon ksexnas to esoteriko prostheseis ekso kai eso epithesi,vgazo kalyteri epithesi.

This Post:
181567.15 in reply to 181567.10
Date: 5/1/2011 7:04:12 AM
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Like I said before I can understand your disappointment and i can agree with you in most cases...I'm sure that Buzzer control doesn't take into account all the parameters of the BB game it's not going to give you the precise game analysis that you may want. But it does give you a good general starting point. And actually it doesn't really predict the result, it takes Team ratings and Match up ratings from the BB site and averages these figures.
I had a similar game two seasons ago, against a team much weaker than mine and Chanos, were I should have should have won by 18 pts and game ratings were 5.6 to 4.9... and yet I lost by 1pt in two overtimes. And that game also put me in financial, the season is long and you will recover and do well I'm sure.

This Post:
181567.16 in reply to 181567.14
Date: 5/1/2011 7:18:27 AM
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Exeis dikio den upologisa tin es epithesi..kai oi duo epithesis itan peripou idies me tin dikia sou ligo kaluteri(ebgale 12 ebgales 13)
Giati den suberilambanis kai ta alla kritiria(foul- boles-edra-enthousiasmo) ekei krithike to paixnidi..!

This Post:
181567.17 in reply to 181567.16
Date: 5/1/2011 7:51:51 AM
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sta yper mou ratings omadika-ratings pekton-agonistiki katastash-anthousiasmos-epeksa dynata-rimpaount-assist-klepsimata-ligotera lathoi

sta meion foul-voles-edra-tapes

eksakolouthei na mou moiazei periergo to apotelesma.

telospanton,epeidei tora pleon den allazei to apotelesma kai oti egine egine,synexizoume kathos einai poly noris shn sezon kai akolouthoun polla pexnidia akoma.einai adiko kai gia ton chano h olh kouventa kai gia thn niki pou ekane.

Last edited by Head Coach at 5/1/2011 8:04:33 AM

This Post:
181567.18 in reply to 181567.17
Date: 5/1/2011 8:10:27 AM
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Ta ratings ton paikton den paizoun kanena apolutos rolo sto apotelesma!
Ti na sou kanoun rimpaount-assist-klepsimata an exeis megali astoxeia?
Se antithesi ta:foul-voles-edra-tapes epaiksan polu megalo rolo!

This Post:
181567.19 in reply to 181567.18
Date: 5/1/2011 8:31:44 AM
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50% entos pedias den to les kai astoxia

This Post:
181567.20 in reply to 181567.19
Date: 5/1/2011 8:46:08 AM
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Se sxesi me ton chano hsoun astoxos..
Tespa opws eipes oti egine egine..den xreiazetai na upobathmizoume tn niki tou chanou!:)

From: teo_biz
This Post:
181567.21 in reply to 181567.20
Date: 5/1/2011 12:42:31 PM
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oti egine egine re paides!!! sunexizoume!!!!
