about two, i don't see that much need for change because in nearly all cases finishing 6 instead of seven is bette rof home court. A three game relegation series could change that, because if you play on neutral court 7th placed and team who reduce their roster during the season and buy a good one at the end get an advantage(the opposite scenario then yours, which should be even more popular), and 6th and 7th have the same risk of relegation. The other hc scenario i could think off is the team with better standing, which isn't always fair to because of the inbalnaced divisions. With the better record i can think of, but i don't think it will it much fairer or unfairer then before.
And i am not sure if you know it, we GM help the game in the administrativ way like moderating the forums or hunting cheaters but when we don't post stuff like "get back to topic", "cool down" etc. our opion is the of a normal player. So our opions we post on your suggestion isn't more or less important or more needed then the input from other playrs without the GM sign.
And before you ask, the BB post rarely in the suggestion forum, because if they post they normally change the way a topic get discussed but they read it.