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JS or JR ?

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From: CrazyEye

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202181.11 in reply to 202181.8
Date: 11/11/2011 12:38:21 PM
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depends a bit, i think in generell JS would be better cause this should have priority for trainee 2 and 3, while JR have priority with trainee 1.

But you have three trainees, so maybe you focus first on the staff you can train on 1 position, and when your minutes are bad switch to two positions trainings. And maybe get 2-3 trainable player in 2-3 season and then make a lot of JS and 1 and 1.(these guys should have OD and Passing already)

From: Sibik

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202181.12 in reply to 202181.11
Date: 11/11/2011 1:24:56 PM
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So you say, that a 22 old player can pop in JS at decent speed ?