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From: strilfe

This Post:
203099.11 in reply to 203099.8
Date: 11/23/2011 7:42:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
As bots play the same offense and all, probably it wouldn't make a difference.

This Post:
203099.13 in reply to 203099.8
Date: 11/24/2011 2:43:26 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
well I'm definitely against this change. For one thing cutting the bots out means your team will get sent to a higher division automatically. While that might sound great, differences in division income and players can vary significantly, you could be owning bots in your div and then get owned in a higher division. All this really does is waste your time, you could have spent the season earning cash to get better players and instead, you're losing fans/games left and right while you become the div's doormat. If you're unfortunate and they cut the bots again the season after, you could end up on the same div and get owned a second season in a row.

This is the reason why I migrated from another bball sim game to BB, I couldn't stand geting bumped straight up to div 1 from div 3 LOL.