I couldn't agree more, and you're right about the cross-training, but OD's cross-training pops are mostly in HA/DR, not PA, and in any case having trained both OD and passing for extended periods I can tell you that generally you're looking at about once every two weeks per pop. That two-week estimate seems consistent with just about every training diary I've read/heard of for an 18yo prospect. So no matter how you slice it, there's no way you get 5 OD pops + 5 passing pops = 10 total pops ≈ 20 weeks. Even if you get lucky and shave 5 weeks off that estimate, which is a quarter of the projected time, you still can't do it in a season. So that's why I said it's very very unlikely. The only time someone would train that fast is if you had a guy with like 20JR/20 passing (no such player exists, but let's just pretend for the sake of argument), in which case the elastic effect would bring it up super-quick, but for an 18yo the elastic effect can't possibly work strongly enough to shave a quarter of the time off that once every other week rate for 10 pops. Do you get what I'm saying?
I always feel I'm talking really repetitively in my posts, trying to articulate what I know in my head. So I apologize if I come across as incoherent or condescending; neither is intentional.