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Hopson's PF/C trainees

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From: Muffins

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213365.11 in reply to 213365.9
Date: 3/26/2012 2:19:24 AM
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I'm with yuck on this one,I know you want a giant that can dominate the key,but you have to understand that you are not building a one man team,besides,I personally feel that C with some secondaries performs better than a pure monster C without any secondaries:
1. Having some HA helps decrease TO,you don't want your starting C to lose the ball 9/10 (I'm exaggerating,but just an example) when he gets the ball right?then even if he has 20+ IS,its still useless if he doesn't have the chance to shoot the ball.
2. PA is another very important skill not just for G but for all players to ensure that the offensive flow is good. Also,you have other players on the floor as well,you don't want your C to take hard shots while one of your other player is unguarded and at a sure-in shootting podition right?
3. DV is another essential skill,it helps your C to get free and create a chance for himself to make an easy basket. I cant remember who,but someone said something like"easy shots made by a player with lower IS is easier to score than a hard shot made by a player with crazy high IS". So what if your big man's IS is not crazily high?he can score better if he can getopen under the basket although he has lower IS.
4. Also,a pure inside C with no secondaries are way too expensive to maintain,and not worth it imo.

I'd recommend training one-on-one forward,you can play him at PF during SC games,he'll also get secondaries pops on IS,HA and JS,which will really save time imho. This is just my opinion,just suggesting:)

Anyhow,I wish you luck in training them both:)


Last edited by Muffins at 3/26/2012 5:53:52 AM

From: Koperboy

To: Yuck
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213365.12 in reply to 213365.10
Date: 3/26/2012 5:06:01 AM
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Moved to Help - English.

Last edited by Koperboy at 3/26/2012 5:06:16 AM

This Post:
213365.13 in reply to 213365.1
Date: 3/26/2012 10:28:17 AM
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Sup everyone? I recently made a rookie mistake and bought a lvl 5 trainee with 30k salary. Well,I have bought two trainees as well. I am looking for a 3rd one and hopefully I can stay with outside oreinted offenses,becaue my 22k C is being sold.

Trainee 1 (Eric Billion)

Weekly salary: $ 3 204
Role: draws a paycheck

DMI: 23400
Age: 18
Height: 7'1" / 216 cm
Potential: superstar
Game Shape: proficient
Jump Shot: atrocious Jump Range: atrocious
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: atrocious
Driving: atrocious Passing: atrocious
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: atrocious Free Throw: pitiful

Experience: pitiful

I plan to make him a pure C,since Forward skills are too low,and I kinda don't like his PAssing and Driving.

Kinda don't like his Passing and Driving? I kinda don't like being poked in the eye with a sharp stick covered with lemon juice. Those atrocious guard skills are seriously painful to even think about. When he faces up against any well-built big man, you may as well call him "Where Possessions Go To Die" -- certainly can't make a good pass back out, can't handle or drive well enough to make a better shot or open up a passing lane, and to top it all off can't even try to stay outside and hit a jump shot.

From: Yuck

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213365.14 in reply to 213365.13
Date: 3/26/2012 2:25:43 PM
Cassville Yuck
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Second Team:
Yuckville Cass
Pretty funny analogy. Bright side is he only paid 74K for this trainee. The trainee is only Superstar so he could fix his secondaries with 1v1 and passing training for two seasons. He does have mediocre OD so something to work with. He is definitely a project but if he put 6 or 7 seasons into the guy he could be a pretty good center. Granted if I am putting that much time into someone I am hoping to produce more of a SF or PF with serious outside skills, but for the price it isnt terrible

From: E.B.W.
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213365.15 in reply to 213365.11
Date: 3/26/2012 4:11:41 PM
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One Word: Atrocious

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: Hopson

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213365.16 in reply to 213365.15
Date: 3/26/2012 6:46:02 PM
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A few more words:switch the training.

After thinking,ZI will do 2 sesaon of PA,HA,DR JS training and then big man skills to cap them.

Edit:Will do 1 vs 1 forwards for the rest of the season,nd the nsome PA next season (PG). And then more FOrward/Gaurd skill "catching up" the season after,and cap them on Big man skills/.

Last edited by Hopson at 3/26/2012 6:52:52 PM