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middle range shots

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From: RamQ

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218389.11 in reply to 218389.10
Date: 5/24/2012 1:54:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Shot blocking! You have to know about to avoid. Makes sense, doesn't it?

From: Arianna
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218389.13 in reply to 218389.12
Date: 5/24/2012 5:20:10 AM
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At what age does training become less effective for jump shot?

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218389.14 in reply to 218389.13
Date: 5/24/2012 12:13:02 PM
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At what age does training become less effective for jump shot?

At 19 it becomes less effective than 18, and so on as the player ages.

But since the question you asked wasn't quite the question you meant to ask, it looks like according to the training project data, training speed is roughly reduced by half when a player is 24, as compared to an 18 year old.

This Post:
218389.15 in reply to 218389.12
Date: 5/24/2012 6:10:59 PM
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I kinda disagree, I'm pretty sure that big men with good JS usally are pretty good at fade away/ hooks. I had a guy with low IS and fairly good JS/JR who scored often like that.

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