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U21 tegemised:

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From: Känd

To: Mulk
This Post:
219170.11 in reply to 219170.8
Date: 6/11/2012 4:37:09 PM
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vaata,et sina mingiteks eksamiteks valmistuma ei hakka ja jeri moodi unarusse meeskonda ei jäta
samas oleks imelik,kui sina ka ei kostaks siin midagi-vastukaja on küll mannetu jah aga loodame parimat(meeskonnale muidugi )

From: Kukoc

This Post:
219170.12 in reply to 219170.11
Date: 6/11/2012 4:41:47 PM
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Eestlaste puhul just mannetu vaikus näitabki, et kõik on minemas õiget rada. U21 rahvuskoondise treeneri küsimustele ja abipalvetele ikka vastatakse. Vähemalt minu arust.

From: Mulk

This Post:
219170.13 in reply to 219170.10
Date: 6/11/2012 5:27:35 PM
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Nännimüügipapp tuleb ainult koondises reaalsete mänguminutite eest. Niisama koondises istumise eest, võib saada ainult turul head raha. Samas iga korralikum kosija vaatab enne järgi, kas on ikka mänginud ka või on vend kelle hüppele ajaleht alla ei lähe:)

Selvä. Aitüma vastamast.

From: theor

To: Mulk
This Post:
219170.14 in reply to 219170.13
Date: 6/12/2012 4:07:06 AM
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Liigafoorumid on ka suviselt mahajäetud. Eks ilmad määravad ka huvi arvutis mängitava vastu. Ja varsti on üldse igasugu kirjatükkidel hapukurgihooaeg ehk foorumitesse ilmuvad ainult juhised kuidas kurke hapendada.

Järgmine mäng Sloveeniaga tundub siiski oluline, sest me oleme Sloveeniale viimane raskem mäng ja neil hetkel ainult 1 kaotus all.

From: Mulk

This Post:
219170.15 in reply to 219170.14
Date: 6/12/2012 8:49:31 AM
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Jah, Sloveenia on üllatavalt lobedalt need rasked vastased läbinud. Ainult konnasööjatelelt kaotus ...
Küsimus ongi, kui palju nad end raisanud on? Kõikide seniste vastastega on nad mänginud võrdse innuga. Küsimus ongi, millised need on olnud? :)
No ummisjalu pole plaanis minna, ega ka mitte venida kut' ila. Saate aru küll. :)

This Post:
219170.16 in reply to 219170.1
Date: 6/12/2012 10:55:23 AM
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Enne mängu Saksamaaga -

The German coach, I felt that we play both with a minimum commitment. Because we need to have a high enough enthusiasm to France, where in front of us can match with Azerbaijan. In addition, we have secured victory against Germany, even if they play with normal vigor. Given the players and the schedule of counting that we will be France or Estonia more dangerous in the competition for advancement than Germany, so we must be better prepared for those matches.

Peale esimest nende mängu Saksamaaga -
We do not šuterjev, but we have good centers and excellent quarterback and "prodiralce". The choice was very easy.

I knew that we played against Germany under the basket. Centre we have a little better than their external line has a very good passes and penetration. Šuterjev we do not, so that an external and neutral tactics fall. What is left is the difference between slow and faster version of the attack under the basket. I quickly picked it because I knew only a little better in attack and in defense a little worse and expect the Germans chose a slow tactics, which is exactly what happened (I did not expect the Movement, but Low post - give the post office). A team with a stronger attack is required to play faster tactic, since you draw so many opportunities to recycle bin. In addition, we played with the left hand, which slightly weakens the attack and jump and was a logical choice.

The biggest problem was the choice of three outfield players. Požlep a little worse because of the opportunity to form their look from the bench and take it very well. The first lineup: CE is the best pass, B and C but are also very good external defense and provides a great jump in, and this is decided. I did not want to risk the brewery, it is not in the best shape, but still under-the outer defenses. I'll try to fix and we can come in handy later.

This Post:
219170.17 in reply to 219170.16
Date: 6/12/2012 11:13:06 AM
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Sloveenia mängis ühesõnaga Saksamaaga rahulikult.

Enne Prantsusmaaga kirjutas ta ühe väga huvitava jutukese - Läks siis rahulikuga mängima -
But even if we lose, it will not be tragic, because the main game (Greece and Estonia) are still to come. Of course, going to win!

Pärast mängu Prantsusmaaga arutasid kaotuse põhjuseid ja enda ühe mängija vigastust. Algas arutus Kreeka mängu jaoks. Räägiti mänguminutitest ja saadi teada, et neil on väga hea vormiga mängijad.

So far we are doing very well against Greece. Unfortunately, their coach I could not agree on the TIE deal, so we play both with normal vigor. With Zippotom ugotavljava that they probably play a Push the ball (high speed balls) and want the best šuterjem on the wing to force as many shots from that position. Fortunately, soon accompanied by the Jerinom our best defensive player Požlep. We are sorry then enthusiasm will not be able to raise, but at least we Nabil bin difference.

Peale mängu Kreekaga-

Do not ... Majer was 2 reserve KC-ROM, and when we are in the fourth quarter led to more than 20 ga coach put it in the first figure. As the injured Mikšić, ga gave the Olympic Games, as judged likely to have a good enough skillet to OI's ga ... maybe even put forth against Estonia: D

No joke ... Majer was very good although a little less minutes ready than other centers. In calculating the weekly mode is present in random factor that sometimes affects the willingness of the following week, sometimes less. The same thing happened Mikšiču when, despite the good minutes had lower readiness than the previous week.

This also would like to say that I choose the first Peterka on the willingness and nothing else. This week was just so happened that Kapla had bad minutes and good Majer, but this is a random factor caused the opposite result.

This Post:
219170.18 in reply to 219170.17
Date: 6/12/2012 3:10:09 PM
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Sloveenia mängis ühesõnaga Saksamaaga rahulikult.

Väga hää! Aitäh. Ma polnud nende foorumit veel piiluma hakanud jh. Nende 3 mänguga juba harjumuseks saanud, et seda ja veel mõnda kohta vaja vaadata. :)

This Post:
219170.19 in reply to 219170.18
Date: 6/12/2012 4:06:07 PM
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Kuna meie mängust sõltub neile põhimõtteliselt edasipääs siis nad tulevad kindlasti kas normaalse või isegi raskelt peale. Kahju, et meil mängud niivõrd järjest.

This Post:
219170.20 in reply to 219170.19
Date: 6/12/2012 6:30:35 PM
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Kuna meie mängust sõltub neile põhimõtteliselt edasipääs siis nad tulevad kindlasti kas normaalse või isegi raskelt peale. Kahju, et meil mängud niivõrd järjest.

Lõppeks pole siin vahet, kellel millises järjekorras mängud toimuvad. Oluline on võita otsustav mäng. :)
Otsustavad faasis meie veel pole. Kui aga olulistest mängudest rääkida, siis meil on olulisi mänge veel 4 - neil 1. :)
Saab olema fun vastasseis.

This Post:
219170.21 in reply to 219170.17
Date: 6/13/2012 6:19:18 AM
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Man, I see now Google translator sucks also for Slovenian language

We can look at each other's forums all we like, but we all know what's at stake and who can or can't afford a loss.

You have a tough schedule in front of you. If you try hard and beat us, you will get beaten by either Germany or France later. You can get beaten by France and hope for 2nd place, but you can't get beaten by Germany. If you build your enthusiasm next week, you will be ready for next three games and probably beat all of your opponents. If not, however...a lot of things can go wrong

Last edited by Koperboy at 6/13/2012 6:24:36 AM
