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Buzzerbeater Economy Season

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From: ibarix

This Post:
225574.11 in reply to 225574.10
Date: 8/28/2012 7:25:44 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
There's one problem though... What if I saw this post in week 5 of the season. I'd have to manually input info and mess up formulas for future use. Right? This tool is perfect if used from the start of the season.

But, good job.

Last edited by ibarix at 8/28/2012 7:26:18 AM

From: Sluuge

This Post:
225574.12 in reply to 225574.11
Date: 8/28/2012 7:27:46 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
That would mess up the formulas, yes.. but then again, you would always have this topic to fall back on the original post, with the original documents..

Besides that, I would also update it myself next season, giving everyone a fresh start without bugging around with it next season

From: Jaapvann

This Post:
225574.13 in reply to 225574.12
Date: 9/2/2012 6:28:29 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I've checked the file, nice job! I only missed the cup incomes. I've added them to my own file to make it work, thanks!