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Suggestions > Staff Market&Improvements Thread

Staff Market&Improvements Thread

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From: Iordanou

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26083.11 in reply to 26083.10
Date: 04/25/2008 04:41:06
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that's why I asked before about the wages, my slovakian brother:)

there is a categoric rule:

If will preferences of our staff depend more on the amount of our cash ballance, more advantage will get these teams just for a money

and on a education it depends even on a time you play BB, so that is even worse

anyway I think that in basic is the idea about more preferences of our staff/trainer really good idea, the main problem which we need to think about - is a hiring system - how we will hire them - like now or how?

From: ZyZla
This Post:
26083.12 in reply to 26083.11
Date: 04/26/2008 06:55:16
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I think there should be unemployed-staff market there we would suggest them salary like we suggesting price for players... contract length should be something around 1-2 seasons... After contract is finished your staff make offer to you what salary he would want for extend contract (more 1-2 seasons) if you want agree with his price he would go to the market and would be employed by the best offer...

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
From: Iordanou

This Post:
26083.13 in reply to 26083.12
Date: 04/26/2008 13:05:36
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From this market should be possible to pick any trainer you want - not on that way that if one team pick Barlett, noone can after him.. I think

There will be always a dilema for everyone - which trainer to pick? That's nice

From: ZyZla

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26083.14 in reply to 26083.13
Date: 04/26/2008 16:09:35
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Yes I had in my mind exactly that if you got that coach so no one else could get him... As well could be coaches courses for money... So you would invest your own money to train your coach but you`d not have any guarantee that after his contract will be finished you`ll still be able to keep him... He could ask too big salary for next 1-2 seasons.... I just really like one formula 1 online manager staff market... ( That would be really realistic and interesting...

Coach could be in game max 10 seasons, then some newbie would change him... Just for don`t have too many max lvl coaches...

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
From: Iordanou

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26083.15 in reply to 26083.14
Date: 04/26/2008 18:32:49
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if you get a coach, noone else could get him? That mean if someone will be a first, second one is just unlucky?

big salary? Train coach?

everything wrong, Zyzla, please

From: ZyZla

This Post:
26083.16 in reply to 26083.15
Date: 04/26/2008 21:23:20
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it`s just a suggestion... that means I suggesting that it would be staff market... no more same staff like now is...

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
From: Iordanou

This Post:
26083.17 in reply to 26083.16
Date: 04/27/2008 03:42:09
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interesting suggestion by the way, but it is not that easy and we have to look at some aspects of that solution

I must put here that I feel sorry for my slightly unassertive attitude above, I came home totally drunk last night:)

So at the point -

If there will be any market with a free agents, only barrier to catch/not catch them would be a level of salary.

That's not good, because we would have here by the time agents, which would have 40k-90k wage and only way to get those will be to be with your club at top of the league table or on the highest league and noone will put you down, because noone will have so good staffers...

That means we miss here any aditional aspect which will makes for us any other dilema to take/not take best trainer or there is missed an aspect which will (not) make it possible to get a best one...

Because if there will be any market, the interest will come from many clubs and is wrong to think that the fastest club could get him or richest and fastest one:)

Normally in real world it works according to a club's reputation. If you want to get a best free staff, you will pay him - but it is even upon to him if he want to be hired by you - according to your progress. BTW it works even by this way that you will offer a contract to staff which is already hired by the other club - if you pay to this club any penalty (if it is on the contract).

...but I'm sure that this would be for a many users very complicated, staff management isn't for everyone

So for the point - If there will be any staff market with a free agents - we need at least 1 more aspect in advance to get them - not only a salary or how fast you are..

what do you think?

From: ZyZla

This Post:
26083.18 in reply to 26083.17
Date: 04/27/2008 11:20:13
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my suggestion is just a primary one which need to be fully developed, and that`s why you all are here (=

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
This Post:
26083.19 in reply to 26083.18
Date: 04/28/2008 01:31:17
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I would like to see a staff transfer market (similar to players) with a salary cap on combined player and staff salaries... this way you have to again balance the economic side of the game.. do you go for a grade A coaching set up (with less money available for roster or pack your roster for tactical flexibility but have less staff?

Everything is relative and to not implement a system you know would be good fun because the top teams would be able to keep their dominance is silly. So to prevent this from happening - impose a salary cap to ensure that everyone can work off a simlar playing field.

I dont really care how complex or different each coach is and what they can or cant do.. i am more for faster training and slower training at a cost and then each of us has to work out how best to budget for each cost in the game and the trade off in training speed that has on your players.

This Post:
26083.20 in reply to 26083.19
Date: 04/28/2008 10:11:48
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salary cap would be exactly what we need, well done!

I tried to think about PR manager and his preferences, you all feel free to add here something or correct me:

Stadium attractivenes (hiring better cheerleaders, beer and popcorn flow - in overall taking care during a match - increase ticket holders)

Merchandising (fee from that)

TV Revenue (how he negoliate contracts from TV companies, you'll get better money from TV matches)

Attendeance (overall)


I think that every staff should have preferences like ambicious level, loyalty, profesionalism - which will affect overall of above preferences while your team lose many matches or win these... you know - if your team falls down, not everybody works for a 100 percent and on the contrary - could be better during many losings, because of his "hero" soul

..but I'm not really sure about this

Last edited by Iordanou at 04/28/2008 10:25:46

This Post:
26083.21 in reply to 26083.20
Date: 04/29/2008 00:47:19
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I was thinking about making the PR manager more like manager of non-basketball operations. So you could have:

Travel manager - your team has less hassles on road trips, so they play better.

Contract negotiation - Players sign for less. Or perhaps player promotion, so that both the player and team get a fee from sponsors who want him to do ads, interviews, etc.

Beer sales - those in the bleachers won't remember your 7 point 4th quarter where you blew a 20 point lead and will show up the next game since they had such a good time, Meanwhile VIP sales are hurt because of the drunk who puked on their suit after the game.
