1. The player is fouled out or ejected. Obviously, someone has to replace him unless you play a four man lineup.
2. The player is injured. See above.
Please let's be less pedantic shall we? That's not what's being discussed here.
3. You have a huge lead and the game is far from contested, and the coach prefers to minimize the injury risk of the starters.
4. The player is so exhausted that he's literally dead weight on the court.
There is no such thing in real life and probably not in any parallel universe. If you're tired, you don't run, but the coach defying an express order from the management is another issue altogether and warrants sacking. This game is an hybrid but either we accept the coach does what he wants (without being told so) or he has to follow orders set by his general manager. BBs need to be coherent, they can't say, coach does what he wants (without being told so) option: BUG, we don't want it; coach does what he wants (despite specific different orders): OK, all working as intended, we want it. And more to the point you like to leave the coach freedom (ie. you like blanks and you like the fact that the coach subs out players NOT in the depth chart) don't call it "strictly", maybe call it "vaguely" or "tentatively" follow the depth chart.
Marin and Charles and Forrest before him were all forthright that the other substitution options *are* bugged.
Yet Marin fixed blanks tens of seasons after the problem first emerged, because we don't want the coach to decide the substitution pattern...explain to me how double standards work. Also, since when talking about the other tactics means anything about this one? Have they clearly stated anywhere that SFDC is NOT bugged? If they did, have they explained why it is described in a different way in the Game Manual? We need links.
I surely thought I didn't have to remind GMs what the Game manual says, but since we like to be pedantic:
Substitution Pattern
The coach will sometimes use his own judgment to decide what the proper balance is between starters, backups, reserves, and even players on the bench but not in the depth chart at all. You can set the balance between how much coaches use their own judgment or defer to yours with the substitutions box. You can use entirely your judgment (Strictly Follow Depth Chart), entirely the coach's judgment (Let Coach Decide), a mix between the two (Coach Picks from Depth Chart), or you can use your depth chart strictly until the 4th quarter, then tell the coach to try and win the game however he thinks is best (Depth Chart until 4th).
So how much the coach uses his judjement > strictly > coach uses
entirely your judgement (and does not use his own at all)
Last edited by Lemonshine at 3/30/2015 6:42:06 AM