@GM-AthrunZala: Thanks. I really thought about playing LI for the final, but then decided it would be a waste of a chance. And in the end I think I would have also lost with LI, so it was the right decision, like this at least I had a chance to win. But ppl here are right when they say it is much more expensive to build an outside team then an inside team. But I'm still convinced, that with a real good outside team you can beat an LI even in the last rounds from BBB. In my case, my SG was just not good enough, that's why I lost.
@Misagh: You are absolutely right, but that's part of the game. I also had an injury after 10 mins into the final game. And I don't know whether it would have made a difference in the outcome or not. And after all I'd say that 95% of the teams would have still lost against you, even with those injuries. I mean, your players were huge this year.