If anyone like I can do a test with my team. I got two guards with decent OD and no ID or SB. And then I got three trainees with 12 OD and 13-15 ID/SB.
Well, it seems that the engine's recent infatuation with trying to drive out any sanity I may have once had is still going strong, I'm available for a scrimmage next week if you're up for it. Hitchcock at PG is definitely going to be, by far, the best outside shooter on the court for me, although of course he'll still spend most of the game trying to pretend he's an inside player and throw up pointless drives and inside shots, missing unconstested jumpers, and then only once the game is out of reach will he shoot many threes (but if it gets close enough to matter, he'll go back to layup mode).
Last edited by GM-hrudey at 7/20/2017 9:50:13 PM