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Suggestions > Unpaid Interns

Unpaid Interns

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From: Naeem

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302285.11 in reply to 302285.10
Date: 11/26/2019 21:02:24
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
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GoFarsr Revolutions
Hey im just trying to support the initial idea that was presented But no really i do see where your coming from. Granted on the D1 level, and this doesnt go for every school especially the larger ones like Big Ten or SEC, but for smaller D1 they might have a partnership with a local hospital like Wood County hospital here and God forbid something goes wrong, the liability will be assumed by the partnered hospital rather than the intern whos actually always on site unlike the medical professionals of the hospital. The intern will be the one actually at the games and practices and somehow legally it works out fine because its done at multiple places.

I cant speak on the schools with no football programs to much but i do know that most D1 schools are honestly operating in the negatives when you exclude money donated to the programs from Alumni each year. That may sound crazy when you look at how expensive college even is but its a weird reality. Ohio State, Alabama, Michigan and such are doing fine but those much larger schools like that are different from say Bowling Green State University or Kent State. BGSU and KS are D1 but due to a severe lack of funding to support their programs, they really rely on those unpaid interns to keep operations flowing smoothly and they are everywhere from trainers, to sub directors. Theres a few legit professionals and an army of unpaid interns.

The League 1 and 2s of England operate on low budgets especially League 2. The vast majority share the exact same fields even rather than having their own fields because many of them wouldnt be able to compete if it was mandatory for them to have their own stadium. League 2 utilizes interns much like D1 here in the States. League 1 id imagine would be more like your minimal but still paid level staff that we currently have to have.

I know i typed a lot up there so sorry about that, hopefully this helps me get the point across but i do see what your saying as well.
Something iv come to realize personally about sports is that in many cases theres either tremendous money involved or barely any involved but with high potential to eventually be tremendous but unpaid workers, typically grad students or seniors, is how the have nots pull it off until they do have it in some way or another.

Last edited by Naeem at 11/26/2019 21:05:12

From: Naeem
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302285.13 in reply to 302285.12
Date: 11/27/2019 09:00:37
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
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GoFarsr Revolutions
I was mistaken on what i said about English football. As Perpete mentioned, they are fully professional and simply supplement their staff with interns. I talked with some of my English co workers and their Football system has a lot more levels to it then i realized and its more so their level 6 league thats like that but thats a can of worms im not even opening.

So yes disregard my previous comments on Leagues 1 and 2

The title of intern may be to specific. Unpaid interns in relatively high positions is a thing in many American organizations, that i know first hand. But often times even the Professionals above them are working in a voluntary capacity because newly founded pro leagues or struggling leagues have many teams involved cant that afford an entire staff yet. Those volunteers and interns boost there resumes with those positions for a season or two and then sometimes get hired by organizations that can pay them decent to good money for what they do.

The point of this Suggestion is just as you pointed out, to spare a few thousand per week. The minimal staff you are required to have have no skills. I don't think anyone is talking about the Basic level staff, just the minimal staff. Whether anything changes is another case, but the Basic level staff or level 1 with a skill is probably worth it. With there being a limited number of them on the market at any given point, players like those in this thread simply don't want to pay for a minimal or have the slight annoyance of remembering to fire one once their pay has risen so much when they aren't even as useful as the level 1 staff. I might be confused as to them being level 1 or the Basic truly being the level 1.

"A Doctor with minimal skill might tell your player with a broken leg to take two aspirin" straight from the game manual. That's what people waste 2 grand and rising on until they can hire one of the sparse staff members with a skill? Even Voluntary professionals and Unpaid Interns bring more value to an organization than that and thats facts even if everything else iv said is somehow dead wrong.

This Post:
302285.16 in reply to 302285.14
Date: 11/27/2019 10:29:15
Detroit Mercy Mavericks
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GoFarsr Revolutions
BB players union said that they would refuse to sign for a team without a qualified doctor. That's why you are required to have a qualified and since he is qualified you have to pay him even if he is bad at its job. He is qualified and players can't say he isn't, he has a paper from the Timbuktu Medical School by Mail to prove it. PR guys are even better, that's their own unions that lobbied governments around the world to be a requirement in the BB team.

Or so is the lore.

I love it

I know its not difficult, I personally dont find this much of a priority either, I think the ASG issue is bigger and thats not exactly high priority itself. I put in the effort to get both a very good Trainer and YT for my staff but i didnt put in that same effort for the others as i dont find them as important right now. It was just a decent idea suggested as paying weekly wages for a bad employee at positions not high on your list at x y and z times seemed senseless so why not explore the original suggestion. But i think its safe to say thats all she wrote on this topic