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Make Sponsers

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67933.11 in reply to 67933.9
Date: 1/14/2009 4:59:28 PM
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Ok i agree it will be comlicated for new users but we can do that the smart way like giving the option to choose to handle this things youself or giving the PR-manger to do it for you while you handle the games and players only.

That will solve all the things and when a new player learn enough he can open these new game options if he wants or just stay as he was.

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67933.12 in reply to 67933.11
Date: 1/20/2009 6:10:52 AM
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Respond from anyone? (:
other pepole said it's a good idea they would like to see becoimg a reality and i'm too if amyone has something to say write it here.

From: Shoei

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67933.13 in reply to 67933.12
Date: 1/20/2009 9:41:48 AM
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the point we are raising for sponsors is to be able to increase our team's revenue.

but you study it clearly how bb ecomony is then i would say there is no need for such thing,

its already a given fact that as its already a known fact that the teams that are powerful will be more powerful since it would be easy for them to accomplish whatever task demanded by the sponsors so you can have money or simply being able to recieve more.

the challenge of this game is to build your team in a way you can compete as well as to be able to handle your team finances.

remember the more power you have, the more responsibility you will have.

From: dhoff

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67933.14 in reply to 67933.12
Date: 1/20/2009 9:49:19 AM
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Respond from anyone? (:
other pepole said it's a good idea they would like to see becoimg a reality and i'm too if amyone has something to say write it here.

I think that the system is fine as it is and that this is an unnecessary addition.

This Post:
67933.15 in reply to 67933.12
Date: 1/20/2009 10:56:41 AM
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Do not bump threads.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
67933.16 in reply to 67933.15
Date: 1/20/2009 11:23:12 PM
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bump threads? pls explain

This Post:
67933.17 in reply to 67933.6
Date: 1/21/2009 12:13:14 AM
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I think it would be better if you were payed by the week and the teams that played best that week get the most money for sponsors and it still has to do with games, but all teams have a fair chance at making money.

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67933.18 in reply to 67933.17
Date: 1/21/2009 4:13:31 AM
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If you win games more people come to your arena. Pointless to make it by week anyway because you might have 2 outsiders one week and 2 top notch teams next week in the long run it is still decided then as a seasonal money + strong teams play better and get more money = same with arena no need for additional source of cash...

This Post:
67933.19 in reply to 67933.18
Date: 1/21/2009 4:53:25 AM
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I support that idea. Sponsors, yes. But not only stupid random "you've signed a 10k/month sponsor contract" each season. Create numbers of names (real or fantasy, doesn't matter) for sponsors and let managares choose offers. F.E. McDonalds offers 2-year contract for 50k for season but there are 3 better offers and the manager can make a decision of his own. Moreover, because of the fact that sponsors would polarize even further distinctions between financial status of higher and lower league teams, it would be good to add to the sponsors' offers some restrictions. Company X gives you Y amount of money this year, but they expect you to achieve goal Z this season. The higher league, the bigger expectations from sponsors - it's totally understood, beacuse more money given to bigger clubs put sponsors in position to make strict requirements. Not fulfilling the conditions of contract can effect even in turning down the contract and again - the higher league, the more violent and serious sponsor decisions.

That's definitely a great idea and just must be put into the game, because without that BB won't be even "quite" realistic game. I'm astonished reading your 'i don't like it' opinions. When a useful and realistic thing is a 'no, no", explain how the heck you accepted the idea of every week salary raise for staff. How it is suppose to play with the reality? Payment raising every week. Some kind of Eden or something. Lol.

This Post:
67933.20 in reply to 67933.19
Date: 1/21/2009 5:14:38 AM
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I also think there are some possibilities with the expansion of sponsoring with running contracts.

Some ideas:
- The better your PR Guy, better offers are given.
- reliability of sponsors: the companies get a reliability number between 1 and 5. Low rank companies have the risk of going bankrupt while they are sponsoring you.
=> end of contract + less income when going bankrupt.
=> high level PR guys bring more reliable sponsors.

The basic sponsoring is for every team equal. You get a reliable company lvl4-5 giving you a fixed sum of cash: nothing spectacular, comparable with present system. (= if you don't like the new implementation, nothing changes for you)

Climbing the BB-mountain. Destination: the top.
From: Kukoc

This Post:
67933.21 in reply to 67933.19
Date: 1/21/2009 5:17:33 AM
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You fail to understand that you have arena construction... and everything in a "GAME" can not be realistic, in real life you can not construct more seats in areana over a week also. You just want to add an unnessesary source of income that is based on results like attendance in arena. Now what I like about arena is that you can manage your prices or you can invest in building and get higher profit later. With sponsors there would be just another luck factor on which sponsors you manage to get and infair advantage over the teams in your league...
As you can see in a "GAME" there is a need of raising you staff salary or there would be no need to change them ever again after you buy one. Players will always be changed because of age and skills. You have enough things you can manage in this game that generates income and is afected by your skills decisions we do not need random luck factors here and if you give similar teams the same chances on choosing a sponsor it will just turn out as another income raise for all teams which just raises the amount of income for everybody in game.
