thank you for your answer :)
anyway I already knew all this several factors, but trying to analyse that another time:
1) HD and DR are not so high compared to the other skills, and especially for Pekovic and Spagnolo. Pekovic reached 13 in JS without any problems and Spagnolo 16 !!!
2) full potential can be, I cannot be sure of course, but they all popped as I thought until now, so I guess it is pretty hard that 3 players reached the potential at the same time, with different skills :)
3) surely it can be, but I already included age in my calculations.
the only reasonable reason (:p) that I can find is that they are all sooooo high in both skills, so I will have 6 pops whenever I'll train something like jump shot or jump range or similar...but I still think that there is something wrong :)
Last edited by Verrinho at 4/28/2009 4:51:48 PM