Pini, have you ever coded anything?
Well, you can bet I've coded (much) more than a little...
The developers will first need to decide whether this feature is needed.
It is sertaintly do, as users are leaving the game because they could not match and due to unfairness in the game that gives great advantage to those who just have more flexible time.
It is a ridicolus unfairness for any game.
The second taks will be to estimate the time this featue will take.
It should not take them to long, as most of their infrastructure is already coded and it is only needed to be adjusted at most, and in addition there are no hard computation tasks here.
The third part will be to prioritize upon need and time.
I believe this is one of the most needed features due to the fact that users are leving the game due to that unfairness (which by its own makes it a high priority task).
Regarding the cost of bugs etc.
One who will not code will never have bugs.
As improving the game is due to making some code changes, bugs will happen. Hopefully not much...
In this case and due to the nature of the feature, it should be rather simple and bug free.