Yeah buzzer manager suggest that guy is going to see quite a drop-off in salary next season.
The goals for tonight are threefold.
1, win, nothing is assured in life I think we got this one and we will get to spread the minutes to boot, we need to pick up some PD but overall management of minutes must take priority. Of course with my luck nine guys will get tomate poisoning at the team dinner and we will have to start Tanner and a lucky fan
2, draw a good house, b-m suggest my pricing is spot on, but will the fans crap all over it since tonight's opponent lacks cache? the price increases are somewhat steep but dammit were offering a better product, the sheeple better acknowledge.
3, avoid injury, I am not out and out sitting guys as minutes do need to be procured, but the goal is to have enough in the tank for the full Monty. Let's just hope winners doesn't thug out or that some hick throws ice out on the floor.
This actually is what in many ways is a "historic" time for this franchise. First we are enjoying what is for us a excellent season so we want to keep riding that horse. Second is we have a real chance on Tuesday to break thru a glass ceiling as this is our 4th trip to the field of 64. First time around was a walloping to the Anteaters, second was a close loss to Georgia Tech, third was a brutal heartbreaking loss to Cold Fish. Now we get a shot against someone who on paper we look to match up well with. Lastly the Generals are finally on the forefront of cracking the hot 100. At the moment we sit at 104 which about equals the closest we have ever gotten , and our momentum might propel us into the charts but a couple of more wins this week I think puts it over the top for sure.
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 5/26/2018 6:19:39 PM