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From: Lucky Fan

This Post:
125414.113 in reply to 125414.111
Date: 1/7/2010 2:36:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Asi juba lahendatud ja kõik on kontrolli all. Kes seda saintsi sinna ikka tahab :D

This Post:
125414.114 in reply to 125414.113
Date: 1/7/2010 2:39:38 PM
Tallinna Tähed
Overall Posts Rated:
Ruumi rohkem haisu vähem

From: Aldo

This Post:
125414.115 in reply to 125414.114
Date: 1/7/2010 3:44:34 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

This Post:
125414.116 in reply to 125414.115
Date: 1/8/2010 7:14:30 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Sa pidid ju kaotama hakkama, et balti liigas mängida? :)

From: BIG O

To: Aldo
This Post:
125414.117 in reply to 125414.115
Date: 1/8/2010 8:12:53 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Suuremad võimalused ka.

Last edited by BIG O at 1/8/2010 8:25:59 AM

From: ivar15

This Post:
125414.118 in reply to 125414.117
Date: 1/13/2010 2:52:45 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
ma oleks ka huviline ja üritan selleks ajaks supo saada

From: kksspp
This Post:
125414.121 in reply to 125414.120
Date: 1/21/2010 6:26:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Maybe someone is interested in short 6 team private league before BBBL?

From: Mulk

This Post:
125414.122 in reply to 125414.121
Date: 1/21/2010 12:14:34 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
next Friday

This Post:
125414.123 in reply to 125414.122
Date: 2/24/2010 6:39:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Uuendasin meeskondade reitinguid ja koostasin uue pingerea (125414.7). Lõplik liigadesse jaotamine toimub 12.märtsi reitingute järgi. Hetkel on Eesti poolelt huvi avaldanud 25 klubi. Kellel on veel huvi osaleda baltikumi privaatliigas, andku märku.
Eelkõige sooviks näha just rohkem II ja Kõrgliiga klubisid, kes suudaksid tõsiselt lõunanaabritele vastu hakata

Ametlik mängujuhend
So this is BBBL rules.

1. At first season in Elite League will play 4 team from each country (EE, LV, LT).
1.1. Best 4 Teams goes to Elite league selecting by country Rating at March 12.
2. All other teams will play in Challenge leagues. (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4). IN all Challenge league will be playing 12 teams ( if we have 48 teams for CH. leagues).
3. If we have less than 48 teams left for CH.League it could be that some leagues will have 10 teams.

4. If more than 60 teams claims to take part in tournament, Challenge Groups will be formed this way:
4.1 Teams will pass according to the World Rating;
4.2 Teams with lowest WR will be discarded from Challenge Groups until every CG contains 12 teams each;
4.3 Discarded teams will be able to write an appellation, to prove that they are preferable than other teams with lowest WR, which accessed the CG;
4.4 If an appellation is accepted, that team will play qualification match with team that made to CG and has lowest WR, the winner goes to the CG. Competition will be formed this way:
a) Two home-away friendly matches will be played;
b) Team with the positive margin of total points from both games will advance to the CG;
c) If team that made the CG plays qualification match and still plays in play-offs (and for that reason can't play with the main squad), it will be replaced with the team standing one position higher and so on.
5. Teams wil be sort in 12 pools by World rating and will be divided in Leagues by random (lotery)
6. Invitation to Leagues will be send in March 19 and have to be confirm till March 22.
7. In March 26 BBBL is open for the first season.
8. All teams have 11 regular season games, home or away system
9. After regular games Top 8 form all leagues goes to Playoff and play lock out till one is the winner.
10. Last 4 from Elite League goes down to Challenge cup.
11. The Winners of Challenge leagues goes to Elite league.
12. If in second season some teams couldn't play in BBBL Elite league, their will be replace by the best team of regural season from Challenge Leagues (the team with most Win, and best +-)
